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The "retardation" is more correctly referred to as "acceleration".

Since the car is slowing down, the acceleration is negative.

Its average value is

(change in speed) divided by (time for the change) = (5 - 10)/2

= -2.5 m/sec2.

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Q: A car has an initial speed of 10 M's The brakes are applied and the speed of the car is reduced to 5 M S in 2s Calculate the average value of retardation during the braking process?
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The average braking force can be calculated by dividing the change in momentum by the time taken to come to a stop. This can be expressed as (final speed - initial speed) / time. Remember to convert the speed into appropriate units before performing the calculation.

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What is retardation in physics?

Retardation is the application of a force that produces negative accelleration. Synonyms would be braking, decelleration, damping, etc. Gravitational force operates downward (in a negative direction) so, in most frames of reference, gravity is a retarding force.

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Braking in a moving vehicle is applying the brakes to slow or halt movement, usually by depressing a pedal. The braking distance is the distance between the time the brakes are applied and the time the vehicle comes to a complete stop.

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Braking distance refers to the distance a vehicle will travel from the point when its brakes are fully applied to when it comes to a complete stop.

Which is also called as retardation or deceleration?

Braking is another term used for retardation or deceleration. It refers to the process of reducing the speed or velocity of an object or vehicle.

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To calculate the braking force, we need to determine the deceleration first. Using the formula: final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time), we find that the deceleration is 2.5 m/s^2. Then, using the formula: force = mass * acceleration, we get a braking force of 200 N.

How do you work out braking force?

To calculate braking force, you can use the formula: Braking force = mass x deceleration. First, determine the mass of the object that is braking. Then, calculate the deceleration by dividing the change in velocity by the time taken to come to a stop. Finally, multiply the mass by the deceleration to find the braking force.

Why would you synchronize a MAAS installation?

to balance the braking force that is applied to the energy absorbers

A 1000 kg car moving at 10 m s brakes to a stop in 5 s the average braking force is n?

The average braking force can be calculated using the formula: [ \text{Average braking force} = \frac{\text{Change in momentum}}{\text{Time taken}} ] First, calculate the initial momentum of the car: ( \text{initial momentum} = 1000, \text{kg} \times 10, \text{m/s} ). Next, calculate the final momentum of the car when it comes to a stop. The change in momentum is the difference between the initial and final momentum. Finally, divide the change in momentum by the time taken to brake (5 s) to find the average braking force in newtons.