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Adrianna Wiegand

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14y ago

Assuming these items are data in a computer program, the name will vary across languages. Also, note that all sorts of data structures can be derived in any language; see the related Wikipedia link for an exhaustive list. This is a list of langauge terms by behavior:

array: Ordered sequence of items with numeric keys ("indexes"). Size is set in stone. Items may be replaced with other items, as each one is simply a memory slot identical to a variable.

C: "array", C++: "array", Java: "array"

structure: Data members are declared in a struct and can be accessed on any instance of it (a structure is an instance of a struct), as with objects in most languages. However, structs cannot extend one another and methods can only be imitated (by function-pointer members).

C: "structure" or "object"

object: Blueprinted by and instantiated from a class. Members, both properties (or "attributes") and methods, are declared on the class.

practically all imperative langauges except C and JavaScript: "object"

list: Similar to an array, except items may be inserted into or removed from any portion, and the length of the list and the indexes of all items after the affected item are updated.

C++: "list", Java: "List", Python: "list", JavaScript: "array", PHP: "array", Lisp: "list"

tuple: An immutable array; that is, one whose items cannot be removed, inserted into, nor replaced.

Python: "tuple"

dictionary: An array which allows non-numeric keys, subject to restrictions which vary across langauges.

C++: "map", Java: "Map", JavaScript (string and numeric keys): "object", PHP (string and numeric keys): "associative array", Python (immutable keys): "dict" or "dictionary"

set: Several unique items whose order does not matter. ("Unique" means that inserting an item multiple times has no effect; it's either in or it's not.)

C++: "set", Java: "Set", Python: "set"

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15y ago

the collection of items is where you need to collect all items from a certain set and when you completed all the items and vaulted them, you will receive additional stat points.

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What is the difference between array and enum?

Array is collection of data items of same data type.Enum is collection of data items of different data type.

What is the difference between an array of structures and an array within a structure?

The main differences between an array and a structure are: An Array is a collection of similar data items.An array is derived data type.It behave like a built in data type. An array can be increased or decreased. A structure is a collection of dissimilar data items.It is a user defined data types.It must be declared and defined.A structure element can be added if necessary.

What do you mean by MFC Collection Classes in visual programming?

MFC provides a number of ready-to-use arrays, lists, and maps that are referred to as collection classes. Using a collection allows the programmer to hold, process, or store groups of class objects or variables of certain standard types. You can use these collection classes to store objects in memory, and for some standard types they provide serialization support also. The collection varies in size to accommodate as many objects as memory constraints will allow. A collection object appears as a single object. Class member functions can operate on all elements of the collection. A collection class is characterized by its shape and by the types of its elements. The shape refers to the way the objects are organized and stored by the collection. MFC provides three basic collection shapes: arrays, lists, and maps (also known as dictionaries).

What does the term markup mean?

From "The collection of tags that describe the specifications of an electronic document, as for formatting" The term, in this context, originated as a term describing detailed instructions that would be put in the margins of manuscripts to be used in the formatting of documents when typeset. an increase in the price of items example game console

What is class in DBMS?

class in dbms is nothing but a collection of attributes.... class in java is defined as collection of objects....:D