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Line break Character

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Q: A formatting mark at the end of a line that moves the insertation point to the beginning of the next physical line?
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A is a formatting mark at the end of a line that moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next physical line?

a. paragraph break character b. nonbreaking space c. line break character d. nonbreaking hyphen ?which one is it?

What formatting mark at the end of a line that moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next physical line?

For Microsoft Users: If you have your formatting button activated, it looks like this: ¶ Years ago, we use to call it a paragraph symbol. I still do, but today's proper term for it is a "return" or a "manual line break". If your formatting button isn't activated, you won't be able to see symbols for line breaks, tabs, spacing, and other fun stuff.

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It moves it to the beginning of a line while typing.

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A similar term is "contaminant transport". It means the path that a contaminant moves from its beginning to its final resting place, and all the physical, chemical and biological processes that might change it on its journey.

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moves to the beginning of the document

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alliteration is when a group of words have the same beginning consonant sound ex. Moe moves to Montana. Both mat moves and Montana have the same beginning consonant sound.

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when lighting strikes the lightning dosnt stay the way it ws it dissapears away and it moves some where else and when it moves it changes its shape that is why lightning is a physical change

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when lighting strikes the lightning dosnt stay the way it ws it dissapears away and it moves some where else and when it moves it changes its shape that is why lightning is a physical change

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