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Q: A period is the length of time it takes for?
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A mammal's gestation period is the length of time?

Gestation time is the length of time that it takes from fertilization to birth.

What does period length mean?

Period length refers to the duration of time it takes for a complete cycle or revolution to occur. In different contexts, period length could refer to various cycles such as the menstrual cycle, a financial reporting period, or the time it takes for a wave to complete one full cycle.

The time it takes two successive crests of an ocean wave to pass a given point is called a?

A wave length.

A period in a sine wave?

the length of time it takes to complete one cycle

What is the name for the length of time it takes a planet to spin once its axis?

Rotational Period .

What is the name for the length of time it takes a planet to spin once on its axis?

Its rotational period.

What is the name for the length of time it takes a planet to spin once on it's axis?

Its rotational period.

How does the length of a string affect the time taken to swing a pendulum?

The length of a pendulum affects its period of oscillation, which is the time it takes for one complete swing. A longer pendulum will have a longer period, meaning it will take more time to complete one swing compared to a shorter pendulum, which has a shorter period and completes swings more quickly.

What do the length of the cord and gravity determine for a pendulum?

The length of the cord and gravity determine the period of a pendulum, which is the time it takes to complete one full swing. A longer cord will result in a longer period, while higher gravity will result in a shorter period.

What property of a wave is defined as the length of time between pulses?

The property of a wave defined as the length of time between pulses is called the period. It is the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to pass a given point. Period is measured in seconds.

What does gestation period mean?

The length of time it takes to create a baby within.

Is the Moon's orbital period greatest at the full moon?

The moon's "orbital period" is the length of time it takes the moon to make onecomplete revolution around the earth. That period of time is about two days lessthan the time it takes for the moon to go through all of its phases.