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I am providing a succinct and easy to understand version of the program. I have run it in 3-4 compilers and it works perfect. Mind you, you should not enter a number more than 2147483647 (which is the largest number a variable can process in C!). If you do, no problem, but it will display all numbers above it, including the even numbers to be prime. So here you are:





long int a,b,c;

printf("Enter the number: ");


for (b=2;b


c= a%b;

if (c==0)

goto cool;


printf("\nThe number is goddamned prime!");

goto fool;

cool: printf("\nThis ain't a Prime number you dumbo!");

fool: printf("\n");


By the way I am not sure what your query really was. I gave the above program to check whether a number is prime or not. If you mean to generate prime numbers between 2 (which is of course the first prime number) and a given number g and also want to know the number of prime numbers between the two, well here is it:





long int a=2,i=2,c,count=0,g;

printf("Prime numbers upto what number should be generated? ");


printf("\nFollowing is the list of prime numbers:\n");

while (a<=g)


for (i=2;i



if (c==0)

goto cool;






cool: ++a;


printf("\nTotal number of prime numbers between 2 and %ld is %ld. ",g,count);


For both these programs, simply copy-paste them into your compiler and have your result. Hope you got what you wanted...

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int i,j,n;

printf(" Enter the number upto which you want to find prime number ");








if(i==j) printf("\n\t%d",i);




//for example if u want to find prime number between 1 to 100 enter 100..

// u will get prime number between 1 to 100

//tested in bloodshed dev c++

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13y ago



void main()


int n;


printf("\nenter a number...\n");


if (n!=2 && n%2==0)

printf("%d isn't prime..", n);


printf("%d is either prime or not..", n);



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