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Mega means million and a watt is a unit of power. A megawatt hour is the amount of power used if 1,000,000 watts are used for 1 hour, or 1 watt is used for 1,000,000 hours. If 100 light bulbs each using 1,000 watts of power are turned on for 10 hours, they will use 100 x 1,000 x 10 watt hours = 1,000,000 watt hours = 1 megawatt hour. Most electric companies charge for the number of kilowatt hours used. A megawatt hour is 1,000 kilowatt hours.

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13y ago

No. You can thnk of a megawatt hour as the number of megawatts that have been used in one hour.

A megawatt is a measure of power. A megawatt is 1,000,000 watts or 106 watts. A Watt is the same as a Joule/second.

A megawatt hour is a measure of energy. One megawatt hour is (106 watts)*(3600 seconds) or 3.6 * 109 watt seconds. Since a watt is a joule/second a megawatt hour is also 3.6 * 109 joules with the joule being the SI unit for energy.


You cannot 'use' watts or megawatts. A watt is simply the rate at which you 'use' energy. So, the first sentence of the above answer should read: "You can think of a megawatt hour as the amount of energy used in one hour at the rate of one megawatt'.

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What is the abbreviation for Megawatt hour?

The abbreviation for Megawatt hour is MWh.

How many watts in a gigawatts?

1000. A megawatt-hour is the energy you'd get with a megawatt of power for 1 hour. Energy = power * time. It's important to note that it's 'megawatt hour' and not megawatt/hour (ie. it's not megawatt per hour).A gigawatt has 1000 times the power of a megawatt. Thus, since the time is the same (both 1 hour), a gigawatt-hour = 1000 megawatt hours.

How can calculate megawatt to Tons Per Hour?

You can't convert between these units. Tons per hour is a (truly archaic) measure of cooling capacity. Megawatts is a measure of power.

What is the difference between Mw and mwh?

A megawatt ('MW', not 'Mw') is used to measure power, which is the rate at which you use energy.A megawatt hour ('MW.h', not 'mwh') is used to measure energy, and is defined as 'the amount of energy consumed, per hour, at a rate of one megawatt'.

How many KW hrs are in a MW hr?

There are 1000 kilowatt-hours in a megawatt-hour.

How many units consumed per 24 hours of megawatt mot er?

Watt, kilowatt, or megawatt are units of power (energy/time). A watt is 1 joule/second. A kilowatt is a thousand joules per second. A kilowatt is also 1 kWh/hour (kilowatt-hour / hour). Since you would usually pay per kilowatt-hour, you might be more interested in the number of kilowatt-hours. A megawatt is a million joules per second - or a thousand kWh/hour.

Is the unit megawatt-day an energy unit?

The unit megawatt-day is not a standard energy unit. It is a unit used to measure the production or consumption of electricity over a period of one day at a constant power output of one megawatt. It is often used in the context of power plant capacity or energy generation forecasts.

How many KWH equal a meg awatt?

One megawatt is equal to 1,000 kilowatts (kW), so one megawatt-hour (MWh) is equivalent to 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh).

How many btu to one mbtu?

None. They are used to measure two different quantities. The BTU is used to measure energy while the megawatt is used to measure power. Two different units for measuring two different quantities.A Megawatt-hour is a measure of energy that is equivalent to about 3.45 million BTUs. Or 1 Megawatt is equivalent to 3.45 million BTU per hour.

How much units produce one mega watt powerplant per hour?

There is no such thing as a megawatt (not 'mega watt') per hour, so what exactly are you asking?

What is the abbreviation of 'megawatt'?

The abbreviation of "megawatt" is "MW."

How many KWh does a 1 MW solar plant produce?

A 1 MW (megawatt) solar plant can produce 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity in one hour under ideal conditions. Since there are 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 1 MWh, a 1 MW solar plant can produce 1,000 kWh of electricity in one hour.