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Probability can be used to predict possible genotypes in offspring by using a Punnett Square.

Source: The boringest and laziest science teacher: Mrs. Melissa Polimeni of Orchard Valley Middle School


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11y ago
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9y ago

The principles of probability can be used to predict the out comes of genetic causes because the actual fertilization of a particular plant or animal is as the results of thousands to millions of possible sperm and eggs interactions each of which is unique.

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11y ago

The principles of probability can be used to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses.

-Miller Levine (Texas Biology Text book)

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8y ago

Probability is a number that describes how likely it is that an event will occur.

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9y ago

No. The principles of probability are not deterministic. They cannot predict exact answers to anything.

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A number thar describes how likely

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Yes it can .

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Q: Can the principles of probability be used to predict exact outcomes of genetic crosses?
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How are genetic events related to probability?

Probability is related to inheritance because in Mendel's experiments, the probabilities were important. Each time Mendel repeated the cross, he observed that the principles of probability applied to his experiment.

What does a genetic diagram show?

A genetic diagram shows the possible outcomes of a cross of two individuals' genes. The top line displays the phenotypes of one generation, and the bottom line displays the predicted phenotypes of the offspring.

Is DNA genetic code or genetic blueprint?

DNA is the genetic code

How does genetic variation affect the type of traits of adaptations in the individuals of a species?

Variation in and of itself does not affect the traits seen in the overall population. This is because gene frequency and subsequent changes in phenotype generally occur only when the phenotype is "selected" for or against in a population. Granted increased genetic variation is the potential for change, however just as in physics potential has to be acted on for change to occur.The population of a species represents it's entire gene pool. The Hardy-Weinburg Principle states that the frequency of a gene remains the same as long as it is neither selected for or against.Smaller populations can change rapidly due to genetic drift and isolation (which is more of a twist of random probability than selection, like getting heads ten times in a row tossing a penny) selection translates into change in a larger population.

What is another way that sexual reproduction results in genetic recombination?

Parent AA and Parent aa have children. All children are Aa Parent Aa and Parent Aa have children. 1AA:2Aa:1aa probability with each child. This is recombination of the most direct/simplest kind.

Related questions

What can the principles of probability can be used for?

To determine the outcome of genetic crosses.

Why can the principles of probability be used to predict the outcome of genetic crossing?

The principles of probability can be used to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses. -Miller Levine (Texas Biology Text book)

What can principles of probability can be used for?

To determine the outcome of genetic crosses.

The principles of probability can be used to?

predict the results of genetic crosses

What can geneticist use the principles of probability for?

To predict the traits of the offspring produced by genetic crosses.

What is the principal of probabilty?

the principal of probability can be used to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses By:Erica k. Hawkins from Indianola Ms

How are the principles of probability used to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses?

Whenever Mendel performed a cross with pea plants, he carefully categorized and counted the many offspring. Every time Mendel repeated a particular cross, obtained similar results. For example, whenever Mendel crossed two plants that were hybrid for stem height (Tt), about three fourths of the resulting plants were tall and about one fourth were short. Mendel realized that the principles of probability could be used to explain the results of genetic crosses.

What can be used to explain the results of genetic crosses?

Probability. (probability is how likely an event is to occur.)

What do you use to determine the probable outcomes of genetic crosses?

A Punnet Square.

What is used to predict the outcome of a test cross?

The punnett square which is mainly about probability of genetic crosses

Explain the principles of probability using punnet squars?

Gregor Mendel said that a punnet square shows all the possible combinations of alleles to create traits and appearances for offspring of two parents such as guinea pigs and even humans. He showed this in his many tests with pea plants.MIk3 WAS HERE------------------------>X

How does the punett square help used to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses?

By showing all possible outcomes of how alleles or the genotype could be. A prediction. It helps us by showing the possibilities of many things (i.e. brown eyes or blue eyes, blonde hair or brown hair, etc.)