

Definition of computerised accounting

Updated: 12/11/2022
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12y ago

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computerized accounting is method of accounting using modern accounting technology .it will reduce the problems in manual accounting and help to save time

cost ,prepare accurate accounts and also help to easy communication of accounts.

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What are the advantages of computerised accounting?

Arithmetical accuracy. Generation of reports Easy search and comparison.

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P. H. Bassett has written: 'Computerised accounting' -- subject(s): Accounting, Data processing

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While the days of big volumes Journals, Ledgers, Cash Books are numbered , the role of computerised accounting has become immense. With finger tips, the management can have a glimpse of the present status of the company, without waiting for the manual statements prepared with strenuous manpower and length of time.Ensuring saving of space, time, without computerised accounting, modern business world would be rudderless.

What are the disadvantages of computerised accounting?

1. High cost of computer and maintanace. 2. lack of compter knowledge

What is the difference between computerised accounting and manual accounting?

Manual accounting is the kind that a person does by means of a pen (or pencil) and paper, and (at most) an adding machine to help; computerized accounting is the kind that computers do for you, by means of spread-sheets.

What is the difference between computerised accounting system and manual accounting system?

the difference is that one is with a computer and the other is with writing utensils. i.e pencil, pen, markers