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yes he did win one not sure when it was though

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Q: Did Archimedes win the noble Prize for anything scientific or did he even win it at all?
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It is said that Archimedes, as child, he and his family were rich and noble.

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How many noble prize in India?

there are 45 noble prize in india

Who get noble prize award in engineering?

in engineering till today did not get noble prize

When was Alfred Noble Prize created?

Alfred Noble Prize was created in 1929.

Who started the noble prize trend?

alfred noble

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Kofi Annan won the noble prize for peace in 2001

Where did king earn hs noble peace prize?

in 1955 king earn his noble peace prize in Alabama.

Who was 2 Indian noble prize winner and give information about them?

Rabindranath Tagore - 1913 - Literature.2 noble prize

What award did nelson mandale receive in 1993?

he won the noble peace prize but not sure what for

When prize did Martin Luther King Jrreceive?

Noble peace prize