Constructor will be automatically invoked when an object is created whereas method has to be called explicitly. Constructor needs to have the same name as that of the class whereas functions need not be the same. * There is no return type given in a constructor signature (header). The value is this object itself so there is no need to indicate a return value. * There is no return statement in the body of the constructor. * The first line of a constructor must either be a call on another constructor in the same class (using this), or a call on the superclass constructor (using super). If the first line is neither of these, the compiler automatically inserts a call to the parameterless super class constructor.
In an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language like Java, it is called a method. In a procedural language (like QBASIC or PHP) it is called a function. They are the same thing. Most people use them interchangeably. -DJ Craig A function returns a value and method does not return a value. A function that doesn't return a value is called (procedure / subroutine)
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In object-oriented languages, a class member function is also known as a method. C does not provide native support for the object-oriented paradigm and therefore does not support methods.
A constructor is a method that fires when the object is instantiated. A friend function is a function that has special access to the object. They are two different types of things, and cannot be further differenced.
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The strcmpi() function is identical to stricmp() function.
A function is a piece of code that can be reused by calling its name while a method is a function that is associated with a class. In Java, functions are usually referred to as static methods.
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functions have independent existence means they are defined outside of the class e.g. in c main() is a function while methods do not have independent existence they are always defined inside class e.g. main() in Java is called method. ######## I've been studying OOP lately and had this question myself, so I will share my thoughts; I was taught that "A Function should do 1(one) thing and do it well." In specific Regards to PHP; The difference between a Method and a Function is that a Method is tied to a specific class. Hope this helps. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function can return value where as method can't that is the main difference between function and method --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually you are describing the difference between a function and a procedure. Function returns a value, procedure does not unless you are using c#, then everything is a function. In c# a function, to paraphrase the first answer, does and thing and does it well. A method contains functions. The most important method is the Main method. All functionality of a program must be referenced in the Main method because when you run a program, it starts at the beginning of the Main method, and stops wehn it hits end of the Main method.
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In object-oriented languages, a class member function is also known as a method. C does not provide native support for the object-oriented paradigm and therefore does not support methods.
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To find the difference between two sets in Python, you can use the "-" operator or the difference() method.
A wye is a back function of the piping which carries loads of water into your home. It is a great method for smoking da ganj.
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A constructor is a method that fires when the object is instantiated. A friend function is a function that has special access to the object. They are two different types of things, and cannot be further differenced.