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A data strucutre is classified into two categories: Linear and Non-Linear data strcutures. A data structure is said to be linear if the elements form a sequence, for example Array, Linked list, queue etc. Elements in a nonlinear data structure do not form a sequence, for example Tree, Hash tree, Binary tree,etc. There are two ways of represneting linear data strucutresin memory.One way is to have the linear relationship betweent he elements by means of sequential memory locations. Such linear strucutres are called arrays. The other way is to have the linear relationship betweent he elements represnted by means of links.Such linear data strucutres are callled linked list.

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12y ago

Data Structure - Arrangement of data in computer memory.

One of several ways of categorizing data structures is to distinguish between linear and non-linear data structure.

A linear data structure is one where there is one unambiguous way to progress from one element N to its successor or predecessor element. Single-dimensional arrays, simple lists or rings, stacks and queues are all examples for linear data structures.

A nonlinear is one where one element can be connected to more than one element for each direction of operation (no more than two neighbors, one successor and one predecessor). Multi-dimensional arrays, trees and graphs are examples for non-linear data structures.

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9y ago

A linear data structure has a single path from the first element to the last. Thus arrays and lists are linear structures. A non-linear data structure has one or more "branches"; forks in the road. This means there is more than one route through the structure and there may be more than one endpoint. A binary tree is an example of a non-linear data structure.

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9y ago

With linear data structures, you traverse from one end of the structure to the other, visiting every element in the structure no more than once. Linear structures may be bi-directional, thus you may start from either end, but regardless of the direction of traversal there is only one possible route to reach the other end.

With non-linear data structures there may be any number of routes through the structure. That is, at any element you might have a choice of one or more possible routes. If there is more than one, then at some point you will have to backtrack to that element in order to traverse those other routes, unless a route just happens to link back to that element. However, non-linear structures may also have a choice of start and end points. That is, you may choose to start from any element but your route through the elements will ultimately determine where you end.

Linear and non-linear structures are typified by "travelling salesman" problems, where a salesman must visit a number of locations throughout a town using the shortest possible route. If he can achieve that without any backtracking then the route is linear and can therefore be modelled using a linear structure. Otherwise it is non-linear and must be modelled using a non-linear structure. Analysis of that structure will then determine the optimum routes.

Linear structures are typically modelled using arrays and lists. Non-linear structures are typically modelled using trees and graphs.

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the way to access data

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Q: Difference bw linear and nonlinear data structure?
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List out the differences between linear and nonlinear data structures?

Linear Data Structure:-A data structure in which every element has got exactly two neighbors or two adjacent elements except two elements having exactly one data element.Non-Linear Data Structure:- In non linear data elements are allowed to have more than two adjacent elements.

Difference between linear and nonlinear data structure?

Linear DS: 1. every item is related to its previous and next time. 2. data is arranged in linear sequence. 3. data items can be traversed in a single run. 4. eg. array, stcks, linked list, queue. 5. implementation is easy non-linear DS: 1. every item is attached with many other items. 2. data is not arranged in sequence. 3. data cannot be traversed in a single run. 4. eg. tree, graph 5. implementation is difficult.

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Is String a linear data structure?

yes it is, other linear data structures are lists,queues,stacks,arrays

What is linear data structure?

when elements are accesed or placed in contiguous memory location yhen data structure is known as linear data structure. stacks, arrays, queues and linklists are example of data structure. in non-linear data structure element are not placed in sequential manner. trees, graph are the ex. of non-linear data structure.

Difference between linear n nonlinear data structures?

A data structure is linear if every item is related (or attatched) to its previous and next item(e.g.array, linked list) and it is non-linear if every item is attached to many other items in specific ways to reflect relationships(e.g, n-ary tree). In linear data structure data items are arranged in a linear sequence. In non-linear data structure data items are not in a sequence. A different Opinion (learnt while watching a video on Data Structures) is that Linear data structures are the Data structures implemented using arrays (with consecutive data allocation for each member of the array) while Non Linear Data Structure refers to an implementation in terms of use of pointers (such as a linked list). --Research Reqd.--

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