

Do computers use radio waves

Updated: 10/18/2022
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9y ago

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Absolutely. Computing is highly integrated into radio frequency (RF) type communications. Examples of RF integration include Bluetooth, WiFi, and RF peripherals such as the mouse and keyboard.

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11y ago

It's true, radios use radio waves. Specifically, they receive radio waves. Broadcasting towers send out radio waves for radios to receive. In some cases, the signals are sent from communication satellites. But radios still receive them.

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13y ago

yes they do :) but only mobiles

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Q: Do computers use radio waves
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Are radio waves a form of sound or light?

When you listen to the radio, you are hearing sound, which has no resemblance to light, radio waves, or x-rays. However, the sounds you hear are created in the radio receiver, using information that was carried to your location by means of radio waves.

What are radiowaves and how they are formed?

Radio waves Radio waves are electromagnetic waves occurring on the radio frequency portion of theelectromagnetic spectrum.Discovery and utilizationRadio waves were first predicted by mathematical work done in 1865 by James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell noticed wavelike properties of light and similarities in electrical and magnetic observations. He then proposed equations, that described light waves and radio waves as waves of electromagnetism that travel in space. In 1887, Heinrich Hertzdemonstrated the reality of Maxwell's electromagnetic waves by experimentally generating radio waves in his laboratory. Many inventions followed, making practical the use of radio waves to transfer information through space. Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi are credited with inventing systems to allow radio waves to be used for communication.For more information go to:http:/

What method of signal transmission uses radio waves to carry signals?

The analog method of signal transmission uses radio waves to carry signals. Digital transmission involves the use of satellites to transmit signals.

What humans use radio waves?

Radio waves are used to transmit signals from a radio station, and you can receive the signals with a radio, and hear them as sound such as speech or music. The long wavelength of radio waves makes them a suitable medium for transmitting over a large range. it is also use in agriculture...... it is used to diagnose different diseases

Radio signals are broadcast by what waves?

Radio waves are electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves include waves such as X rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared rays and so on, but you probably imagine radio waves to be quite different from these waves. Of the various kinds of electromagnetic waves, radio waves have a longer wave length than infrared rays, and are defined by the Radio Law as 'electromagnetic waves with a frequency of less than 3,000 GHz (3 THz)'Ultralow frequency radio wavesbelow 3kHzradio waves3kHz~3THz infrared rays3THz~380THz visible light380THz~790THz ultraviolet light790THz~105THz X rays105THz~107THz γ raysabove 107THzNames of radio waves Frequency Wave length Principal applications VLF(Very Low Frequency) 3kHz ~ 30kHz 100km ~ 10km LF(Low Frequency) 30kHz ~ 300kHz 10km ~ 1km Vessel / Airplane beacon MF(Medium Frequency) 300kHz ~ 3MHz 1km ~ 100m AM radio, Marine radio, Amateur radio HF(High Frequency) 3MHz ~ 30MHz 100m ~ 10m Shortwave broadcasting, Marine / Air radio, Amateur radio VHF(Very High Frequency) 30MHz ~ 300MHz 10m ~ 1m TV, FM, Fire radio, Police radio, Disaster PA radio network UHF(Ultra High Frequency) 300MHz ~ 3GHz 1m ~ 10cm Low power radio, Mobile-phone, Taxi radio, Amateur radio, TV, Wireless LAN SHF(Super High Frequency) 3GHz ~ 30GHz 10cm ~ 1cm Satellite broadcasting, Radar EHF(Extremely High Frequency) 30GHz ~ 300GHz 1cm ~ 1mm Satellite broadcasting, Radio astronomy, Radar submillimeter waves 300GHz ~ 3THz 1mm ~ 0.1mm

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Does a wireless router broadcast or transmit radio waves when no computers are connected or does a router wait for a signal from the computers wireless adaptor before transmitting and radio waves?

It has to always be broadcasting radio waves otherwise no devices will ever find the router.

How wireless computers understands radio waves?

As computers have receiving antenna with resonating sensors.

Do car keys use radio waves?

yes,they do use radio waves

What is is radio sound heard through the use of?

Radio sound is heard through the use of radio waves, which are electromagnetic waves that can carry information from one point to another. These waves are transmitted from a radio station and received by a radio receiver, such as a radio or smartphone, which then converts the waves into sound waves that we can hear.

What allows computers to connect via radio waves?

802.11 protocolsakawireless networking

Do walkie talkies use radio waves?

Yes. A good rule of thumb is that if the device has an antenna, it uses radio waves. An antenna would not be needed if it didn't use radio waves.

What is a radio wave?

Radio waves are electromagnetic waves. The radio waves have the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. A radio wave has a much longer wavelength than does visible light. We use radio waves extensively for communications.

What is the use of radio waves?

hearing FM and am news in radio

What types of waves do mobile phones use?

radio waves.

How do computers use electromagnetic waves?


Allows computers to communicate via radio waves?

Wireless adapter and a wireless access point.

What is a printing technology where computers transmit output to a printer via radio waves?
