The do while loop is useful for the special loops that they must circulate at least one time.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int num,digit;
cout<<"Enter a #\n";
cout<<"Invers is : ";
} while(num != 0);
return 0;
//do while example
int main(void)
const int SECRET_CODE = 15;
int code;
printf("Type the secret code number to enter.\n");
scanf("%d", &code);
printf("Well done , you can now enter\n");
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int i = 10;
printf("Hello %d\n", i );
i = i -1;
}while ( i > 0 );
/*break in do while*/
#include <stdio.h>
int i = 10;
printf("Hello %d\n", i );
i = i -1;
if( i == 6 )
{ break;
}while ( i > 0 );
Unlike the while() loop, a do..while() loop always executes at least once. Iteration is dependant on the conditional expression which is evaluated at the end of the loop, whereas a while() loop's conditional expression is evaluated before entering the loop, and may never execute. for() loops are also evaluated before entering the loop, but the conditional expression is optional.
No, why did you think so?
for( ; ; ) { statement_block; } while( conditional_expression ) { statement_block; } do { statement_block; }while( conditional_expression )
int i = 0; while(str[i] != NULL){ i++; }
An attribute is a class member variable while a behaviour is a class member method.
The main difference between the two is that C++ is an object oriented programming language while C is a structured programming language. Although C++ is derived from C, they are in fact completely separate languages that share a common syntax. However, C++ is backwardly compatible with C so while you may include C-style code within C++ programs, you cannot include C++ code in C programs.
if while switch
Iterative loops in C/C++ are represented by for(), while() and do...while() code blocks. Recursive loops are represented by functions calling themselves.
There is none. While you can access databases from C++, the two concepts are fundamentally different.
With slight variations, everything in C is included in C++. However, while C is a procedural language, C++ is object-oriented, so C++ essentially shares nothing with C. C++ is, quite literally, the successor to C.
how do we use loops in c plus plus programing and what are basic differences between do,for and while loop
No, why did you think so?
for( ; ; ) { statement_block; } while( conditional_expression ) { statement_block; } do { statement_block; }while( conditional_expression )
b+b+b+c+c+c+c =3b+4c
c + c + 2c + c + c = 6c
It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup while he was working at AT&T Bell Labs.
Add the missing parts.