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INPUT = a$


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Q: Draw a flowchart that will ask the user to enter 10 numbers and calculate the average?
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How do you calculate average in Microsoft exel?

You can use the AVERAGE function.In the cell where you want the average to appear, enter the formula [ =AVERAGE(R1:R200) ]or whatever range contains the numbers you want averaged.

What allows you to enter calculate manipulate and analyze data such as numbers and text?

Worksheets allow users to enter, calculate, manipulate, and analyze data such as numbers and text. Worksheets means the same as spreadsheets.

How do you calculate the mean of data using Excel?

Pick a cell in which to enter your formula Type: =average( then highlight the cells you wish to average. Press enter.

Create a flowchart and C programming language of a selection structure?

flowchart (start) < x=0 y=0> / print " enter two numbers" / | sum=x+y| / print the sum / (stop) c program #include<stdio.h> main() { int x,y,sum; clrscr(); printf("Enter two numbers\n"); scanf("d",&x,&y); sum=x+y; printf("sum=%d",sum); getch(); }

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Convert this in flow chart and see if it can help Start Display "Enter 2 numbers" Accept 2 numbers A & B Divide the A with B Is result Zero? ---- No - A is not Dividable with second Yes - A is Dividable with second End

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With paper a pencil and a flowchart symbol template. You might try reading your text book and learning how to do this yourself.

How do you do get Excel to do an average of 10000 numbers?

Put the 10000 numbers into cells, say from A1 to A10000 and then enter the following formula into a cell: =AVERAGE(A1:A10000)

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Insert Call box and enter Set_Precision (6)

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Cls input "enter two no.s ",a,b sum=a+b print "sum = ";sum end

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$vi echo "enter the 1st no." read num1 echo "enter the 2nd no." read num2 sum= 'expr $num1 + $num2' echo "sum of the numbers is $sum"

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Enter 1st number in A1 Enter 2nd number in A2 In A3 enter =(1-A2/A1)*100 Or you can enter in A3 =(1-A2/A1) and format cell as number percentage