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Lift is calculated using the following equation:

L = 1/2 p V2ACL


L = Lift which is typically the weight of the aircraft

p = air density (altitude and temperature effect this variable)

V = velocity of the aircraft (this is the airspeed)

A = wing area (including the section of the wing that is inside the fuselage)

CL = is specific to each aircraft. This coefficient is calculated in a wind tunnel and is typically provided as a graph relative to the angle of attack.

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14y ago

Lift by a wing is given by the equation:

FL = 1/2 CL ρ A v2


CL is the lift coefficient and depends on the angle of attack
ρ is the density of air
A is the wing area
v is the speed of the aircraft

So lift depends on these 4 variables.

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How can a wings lift be increased?

Lift can be increased by curving the wing downward. Most aircraft have 'flaps' at the rear inner edge of the wing to achieve this. Some aircraft even have 'slats' at the front of the wing to increase lift even more. - If you google 'aircraft slats', you will see a great picture of slats and flaps on an Airbus A310

Who first invented lift?

If we are talking about aircraft lift, it was likely discovered, not invented. You can discover Gold, you don't invent it...

Can an aircraft overcome lift without wings or propellers?

No, that is not possible except with rotors. (which I would include among propellers)

What is the difference between angle of attack and positive angle of attack?

Angle of attack may be negative or positive - it's simply the angle between the wing chord line and the oncoming airflow. If it's positive then the aircraft will benefit from the lift that is provided, if it's negative then there is no lift (but there's still drag). This is a potentially dangerous situation, unless you wish your aircraft to descend.

How fast does a propeller have to spin to lift a man off the ground?

That's a difficult question to answer. First, in the sense that a propeller is really an airfoil, it does, in fact, generate lift. However, the concept of lift with respect to aircraft, generally refers to the vertical lifting force, and this is produced by the airfoils (wings) and not the propeller. The propeller produces forward thrust which, when sufficient, generates the speed necessary for the wings to produce lift. So, back to the question: A propeller needs to turn fast enough to produce enough forward speed for the airfoils to produce sufficient lift for the aircraft to rise. The RPM necessary to do this depends on the size and number of blades, the power of the engine, the weight of the aircraft, and a number of other factors such as airport elevation, etc. Sorry this doesn't exactly answer the question, but hopefully it will help you craft a more specific question that can be answered more accurately.

Related questions

What does the weight of the airplane have to do with the lift of it?

The weight of an aircraft counteracts the lift produced by an aircraft. The heavier an aircraft weighs the greater the lift needed to get off the ground.

How do wingless aircraft produce lift?

The only 'wingless aircraft' are helicopters. These produce lift lift from the rotor blades, which are in fact, long narrow wings.

What is the lift force in an aircraft?

The lift force in an aircraft is the force generated by the wings as a result of the airflow over them. It acts perpendicular to the direction of the airflow and is responsible for keeping the aircraft aloft. The lift force is essential for counteracting the force of gravity and enabling the aircraft to maintain its altitude and maneuver in flight.

What is a rotary aircraft?

A rotory aircraft is essentially a helicopter or a type of aircraft that relies on the movement of its wing to produce lift.

If an aircraft is flying horizontally then its weight must be balanced by what force?

If an aircraft is flying horizontally, its weight is balanced by the lift force generated by the wings. Lift opposes weight to keep the aircraft in level flight.

What is aircraft propeller and what function does it do to the aircraft?

An aircraft propeller is what gives the aircraft power to move it forward (or backward, depending on it's pitch). This enables the aircraft to acquire lift and gain altitude. Propellers are found on some fixed-wing aircraft and autogyros. On helicopters, the blades that lift it and stabilize it are called rotors.

Why is maximizing the ratio of lift to drag forces desirable?

Maximizing the lift-to-drag ratio is desirable because it allows an aircraft to generate more lift for a given amount of drag, resulting in improved fuel efficiency and range. A higher lift-to-drag ratio also means the aircraft can fly at higher altitudes and speeds, which can be beneficial for performance and overall aircraft capabilities.

What is the term for the upward force on the wings of an aircraft?


How in fighter aircraft is instant pressure difference created for lift?

Flaps are used on aircraft to increase the wing area of the plane and therefore increase lift and reduce speed.

What part of aircraft makes flight to take off?

The engines provide forward thrust, allowing the wings to generate lift. It is the lift that allows the aircraft to take off.

What force pulls an aircraft toward the ground acts against the force of lift in level flight?

Gravity is the force that pulls an aircraft towards the ground, acting against the force of lift generated by the wings in level flight. Gravity pulls the aircraft downward, while lift generated by the wings counteracts this force to keep the aircraft aloft.

What is a sudden and potentially dangerous loss of lift in an aircraft?

A sudden and potentially dangerous loss of lift in an aircraft is known as a stall. This occurs when the angle of attack is too high, causing the airflow over the wings to become disrupted and the aircraft to lose its ability to generate lift. It can lead to a loss of control and potential stalling of the aircraft.