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There is no conversion factor between these two units of measurement, as they are measuring completely different quantities. It's a little like asking how you would convert kilometres per hour into furlongs... with an added complication thrown in (i.e. the vehicle is going sideways as well as forward!).

A kilovolt ampere (correct symbol: kV.A) measures the apparent power of a load, whereas a kilowatt hour (correct symbol: kW.h) measures the work done by a load.

If you knew the power factor of the load, then you could use the apparent power to determine the true power (in kilowatts), then determine how much work is done over a given period of time.

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9y ago

Divide the number of kilowatt-hours by 1000 and your answer is in megawatt-hours.

This is correct - obviously a quantity of energy expressed in kWh will be a greater number than in MWh, because 1 MW = 1000 kW

Any text book or reference site about how to calculate "energy used" will tell you that 1000 kilowatt-hours is equivalent to 1 megawatt-hour.

Knowing that, we can set up a "Fraction equal to 1" as follows:

[1000 kilowatt-hour]

-------------------------- = 1

[1 megawatt-hour]

And, equally,

[1 MWh]

---------------- = 1

[1000 kWh]

So, for example, to calculate what 2000 kWh is equivalent to in MWh:

Multiply the thing you want to convert by the "Fraction equal to 1" and then cross-out the matching units top and bottom of the fraction:

1 MWh x 2000 kWh

---------------------------- = 2 MWh

1000 kWh

IF you know for sure what the right numbers are to make up a "Fraction equal to 1", that trick of multiplying by such a "Fraction equal to 1" is a very neat way to convert one equivalent type of unit into another equivalent type. If you do it right, this method will never let you down!

For instance:

[1 inch]

-------------------------- = 1

[2.5400 centimeters]

So to convert 5 cm into inches:

[1 in] x 5 cm

--------------- = 1.9685 in

[2.5400 cm]

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14y ago

The unit VA deals with a complex current and so 'apparent power', to which the Power factor is usually known (between 0 and 1) Simply multiply the value of KVA by the power factor to give you the real value of the power flow (KW). To then get this value into kwh, multiply the value you have just obtained by the length of time the equipment has been running for.

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How to convert kva-kwh?

To convert from KVA (kilovoltamperes) to KWH (kilowatthours) first convert to KW (kilowatts) by multiplying by power factor. Power factor is the cosine of the phase angle between voltage and current. Then multiply by the number of hours that you run the load.

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To convert kilojoules to watts, you can use the formula: Power (W) = Energy (kJ) / Time (s). For example, if you have 500 kJ of energy consumed over 10 seconds, the power output would be 50 watts (500 kJ / 10 s = 50 W).

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Electrical energy is a form of energy, and can be measured in the same units, Joules in the SI system. Note that 1 watt = 1 Joule/sec. Electrical energy is often expressed in Kilowatthours or Megawatthours, which are the normal ways an electric company measures your usage. 1 Kilowatthour just means a steady power of 1 kilowatt maintained for 1 hour. Since there are 3600 seconds in an hour, 1 kilowatthour = 3600 kilowattseconds. Now 1 watt = 1 Joule/sec, so 1 Joule = 1 wattsec, 1000 joules = 1 kilowattsec, so 3600 kilowattsecs = 1000 x 3600 Joules = 3.6 x 106 Joules = 1 kilowatthour.

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