Depends on the software. In Excel 3 cubed is entered as =3^3. The answer being 27.
computer virus
{Area s the area of cube} {Length is the length of one side of the cube} program AreaofCube; var Area,Length:real; begin write('Enter the length of cube: '); readln(Length); Area:=6*(Length*Length); writeln('The area of cube is ', Area, ' cm^2.'); end.
int cube=1,num,i; for(i=1;i<=3;i++){ cube*=num; }
we can define the compression strength of structure by cube. if we can not get sufficient strength of cube so we should hamaour bond test, NDT, Core test. means we can preparation by cube test.
#include <stdio.h> int findcube(int); // prototype int main() { int a,b; printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%d",&a); b=findcube(a); printf("The cube of %d is %d\n",a,b); } int findcube(int x) { return x*x*x; }
To find the cube root of a number, enter the number followed by ^(1/3).To find the cube root of a number, enter the number followed by ^(1/3).To find the cube root of a number, enter the number followed by ^(1/3).To find the cube root of a number, enter the number followed by ^(1/3).
You have to go on the website and enter a question.
You have to be 18 years old
I want to apply online to enter the cube but i am not sure how to apply what do I do
Enter the number, press ^ and enter 1/3 i.e. the cube root of 27 would be 27^(1/3)
Download the rubix cube app on your iPhone for a dollar. You can then enter how your cube looks like and you will get instructions on how to solve it in around 20 moves.
There is no computer code to enter.
There are many ways to enter a computer, but what do you mean by crack something ?-)
With a computer mouse.
a neon number is that where sum of cube of digits of a number is equal to the cube of number itself.
No not yet. The highest cube that we know of that has been released is an 11x11. However, there are computer programs that have 20x20s on them.