

Best Answer


void main()


int a,b;

printf("enter two number");




printf("a is big");



printf("b is big");



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Q: How do you find the greatest number of 2 in C?
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Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to find the greatest number and its position among the 6 given numbers?

Algorithm Step1: Read A, B, C Step2: If A &gt; B is True, then check whether A &gt; C, if yes then A is greatest otherwise C is greatest Step3: If A &gt; B is False, then check whether B &gt; C, if yes then B is greatest otherwise C is greatest Give the Flowchart Answer

Draw a flow chart to find out the greatest number among the three given numbers ab c?

draw a flowchart to find the biggest number among the 3 numbers

Write a program in COBOL to find the largest of N number?

identification division. program-id. greatest. environment division. data division. working-storage section. 77 a pic 999. 77 b pic 999. 77 c pic 999. procedure division. greatest. display "ENTER THE THREE NUMBERS:". accept a. accept b. accept c. if a &gt; b and a &gt; c display a "is greatest" else if b &gt; c display b "is greatest" else display c "is greatest". display " thank you". stop run.

Write a program to find greatest of three number using conditional operator in c?

To find greatest of 3 digits in one line #includ&lt;stdio.h&gt; #include&lt;conio.h&gt; void main() { int a,b,c; printf("enter a,b,c:); scanf("d%d%d",&amp;a,&amp;b,&amp;c); printf("greatest no: %d"(a&gt;b)?((a&gt;c)?a:c):((c&gt;b)?c:b)); printf("have a nice day"); getch(); }

You want to write a simple without using pointer or array c program which will print greatest number when you give 20 number?

i want to write a simple without using pointer or array c program which will print greatest number when i give 20 number .........How far have you gotten so far?

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Write a c program to find the greatest number of from three number using switch?

Oh, well, simply: max = (a + b + c * 2 + abs(a - b) + abs(a + b - c * 2 + abs(a - b))) / 4;

How do you find the greatest of three numbers using vb script?

dim a,b,c a=cint(inputbox("enter value for a")) b=cint(inputbox("enter value for b")) c=cint(inputbox("enter value for c")) if((a&gt;b)and(a&gt;c)) then msgbox "greatest number is a="&amp;a else if ((b&gt;a)and(b&gt;c)) then msgbox "greatest number is b="&amp;b else msgbox "greatest number is c="&amp;c end if end if

Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to find the greatest number and its position among the 6 given numbers?

Algorithm Step1: Read A, B, C Step2: If A &gt; B is True, then check whether A &gt; C, if yes then A is greatest otherwise C is greatest Step3: If A &gt; B is False, then check whether B &gt; C, if yes then B is greatest otherwise C is greatest Give the Flowchart Answer

Draw a flow chart to find out the greatest number among the three given numbers ab c?

draw a flowchart to find the biggest number among the 3 numbers

What is the greatest common factor C and B?

The greatest factors of A, B, and C, respectively, are the absolute values of A, B, and C. The greatest common factor of A, B, and C is 1.

How you can find greatest of three variables using c plus plus programming?

greatest = std::max (a, std::max(b, c));

What is the greatest common factor of the terms 14c2d and 42c3d?

The greatest common factor of these terms is 14c2d.14(c^2)dThe GCF of 14 and 42 is 14.The GCF of (c^2)d and (c^3)d is (c^2)d.

Write algorithm of a largest number and smallest number among three numbers?

public class FindLeastAndGreatest { public static void main(String[] args) { // number can't be equal with each other int a = 7; int b = 7; int c = 6; System.out.println(least(a,b,c)); System.out.println(greatest(a,b,c)); } public static int least(int a, int b, int c) { int least = 0; if(a &lt; b &amp;&amp; a &lt; c) { least = a; } else if(b &lt; a &amp;&amp; b &lt; c) { least = b; } else { least = c;} return least; } public static int greatest(int a, int b, int c) { int greatest = 0; if(a &gt; b &amp;&amp; a &gt; c) { greatest = a; } else if(b &gt; a &amp;&amp; b &gt; c) { greatest = b; } else { greatest = c;} return greatest; } }

What greatest common factor of 60 and C?

Since C can be any number, the answer can be any factor of 60.

Write a program in COBOL to find the largest of N number?

identification division. program-id. greatest. environment division. data division. working-storage section. 77 a pic 999. 77 b pic 999. 77 c pic 999. procedure division. greatest. display "ENTER THE THREE NUMBERS:". accept a. accept b. accept c. if a &gt; b and a &gt; c display a "is greatest" else if b &gt; c display b "is greatest" else display c "is greatest". display " thank you". stop run.

Find the greatest number which divides 6168 2447 and 3118 leaving the same remainder in each case?

The greatest such number is 1. If n is such a number, then 6168 = an + r 2447 = bn + r, and 3118 = cn + r for some integers a, b, c and r. This means that 6168 - 2447 = 3721 = (a-b)n 6168 - 3118 = 3050 = (a-c)n, and 3118 - 2447 = 671 = (c-b)n That is, n is the greatest common factor of 3721, 3050 and 671. But the GCF of these numbers is 1. Hence the answer.

The first number of three consecutive even integers equals the sum of the second and third Find the three numbers?

Numbers are a, b and c; b = a + 2, c = a + 4. Find a such that a = b + c, ie a = (a + 2) + (a + 4) so a = 2a + 6 making a = -6, b = -4 and c = -2