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To measure high voltage use suitable instrument transformer (potential transformer)

Very carefully. It can kill you. The higher the voltage the more the danger or arcing over even when two conductors are not touching. Voltage meters are rated and the rating should not be exceeded. Depending on the voltage you will need the proper meter and a high voltage probe rated for the voltage you are measuring. If you don't know what you are doing, don't mess with high voltage. Leave to the pros.

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Current and potential Transformers are used to measure the current and voltage in medium and high voltage power lines.

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Q: How do you measure the current and voltage in high tension line?
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What is high tension motor?

High Tension motor is High Voltage Motor.

What is the high tension line?

High Tension transformer means (HT) high voltage transformer.

An ammeter and voltage range are measure the current and voltage electric lamp if mistake meter interchange what will happen?

If the ammeter and voltage range are interchanged while measuring the current and voltage of an electric lamp, incorrect readings will be obtained. The ammeter measures current, so if it is used to measure voltage, the display will not show the correct voltage. Likewise, if the voltage range is used to measure current, the reading will not be accurate. It's important to use the correct measuring instrument for each parameter to obtain accurate results.

What is the difference between HT and LT line?

ht cable that means voltage level is high , it is obvious that power is going to remain same ,so if voltage rises ,current has to be lowered .since current level is less in ht cable therefore size (dia) is less compared to l.t cable , (p=v.i),lt cable current rating is more and voltage rating is less

How many voltage will pass through the high tension line?

It depends on the line, but AC high tension lines are typically between 100kV to 750kV while some DC high tension lines are as high a 1MV.Another AnswerVoltage doesn't 'pass through' a line. It appears between, or across, adjacent conductors. It's CURRENT that 'passes through' a line.

What is high voltage motors and low voltage motors?

None: "high tension" is just another way of saying "high voltage".

How do you measure Input high voltage?

You can measure high voltage by using Potential Transformer (PT). or by using utility meter or power manager. ANSWER: Adding a hi resistance in series with a low resistance and measuring that voltage drop. If the resistance is known then current is determined and the source can be calculated. transformers do not work well with DC,

What is the main difference between HT and LT Lines?

It's the voltage: HT high voltage LT low voltage Tension = voltage (French?)

What is the spark plug voltage?

Spark plug voltage is high tension voltage, needed to jump a spark between the plus and minus poles. Needed tension is about a minimum of 10.000 Volt between the poles.

A high voltage combined with a low current will deliver less power than a moderate voltage combined with a moderate current.?

Correct. Power is determined by the product of voltage and current (P = V x I). A high voltage with low current has less overall power output compared to a moderate voltage with a moderate current due to the relationship between voltage, current, and power.

What is The operation of Current Transformer?

CT together with a ammeter is used to measure the current in high current or high voltage circuit, where a normal ammeter can not be connected in series in such high voltage or high current circuits. It is a secondary winding (like in transformer) wound on a single core primary wire and relative secondary current reperesnets the primary current. CT are also used protection purposes. Basic principle of CT i same either for metring or protection.

Why high voltage does not kill?

Its not voltage that kills it is current.High voltage CAN kill, if it can also provide high current (especially if the current comes near the heart as it takes under 1mA to stop the heart which isn't much current).However if the high voltage source is current limited and/or the current only passes through the extremities it is very unlikely to kill.