Repeatedly divide the number by 10 and store the remainder (the modulo).
By way of an example, if the number were 12345:
12345 % 10 = 5 (first digit)
12345 / 10 = 1234
1234 % 10 = 4 (second digit)
1234 / 10 = 123
123 % 10 = 3 (third digit)
123 / 10 = 12
12 % 10 = 2 (fourth digit)
12 / 10 = 1 (fifth digit)
This algorithm forms the basis of number reversals. The following function demonstrates the most efficient way of reversing any number in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, inclusive.
int RevNum( int num )
const int base = 10;
int result = 0;
int remain = 0;
remain = num % base;
result *= base;
result += remain;
} while( num /= base);
return( result );
(C and Lisp, ... data type") was adopted by many later languages, such as ALGOL 68 (1970), Java, and C#. ... C++ has a separate Boolean data type ( 'bool' ), but with automatic conversions from ... "Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68
Use the following function to count the number of digits in a string. size_t count_digits (const std::string& str) { size_t count = 0; for (std::string::const_iterator it=str.begin(); it!=str.end(); ++it) { const char& c = *it; if (c>='0' && c<='9'); ++count; } return count; }
The need to declare header files is not compulsory in C++. You may place all your code in a single source file if you so desire. However, header files are useful in that they separate interface from implementation and aid in hiding information.
C: there are no methods in C. C++: no.
If you know that the number input will always be three digits: output = 10 * (int)(input / 100) + (input % 10); If you want to idiot proof it (eg. too many digits): output = 10 * (int)((input % 1000) / 100) + (input % 10);
Good luck. I don't think it is possible, since there is no such thing called upper case digits.
If the sum of squares of digits of a number equals to the number itself, then that number is called an aram strong number.
2984, 2980
(C and Lisp, ... data type") was adopted by many later languages, such as ALGOL 68 (1970), Java, and C#. ... C++ has a separate Boolean data type ( 'bool' ), but with automatic conversions from ... "Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68
b+b+b+c+c+c+c =3b+4c
c + c + 2c + c + c = 6c
"5d in a z c" means 5 Digits in aZip Code.
b + b + b + c + c + c + c = 3b + 4c
Use the following function to count the number of digits in a string. size_t count_digits (const std::string& str) { size_t count = 0; for (std::string::const_iterator it=str.begin(); it!=str.end(); ++it) { const char& c = *it; if (c>='0' && c<='9'); ++count; } return count; }
c + c + c + c + c = 5 * c.
Assuming A, B, C and D all represent different digits then ABC = 183 .