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import java.util.*;

public class Digit


public static void main(String[] args)


Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter Number:");

String r = sc.nextLine();

int[] b = new int[r.length()];

String [] a = new String[r.length()];

int k = 0;


System.out.print("The Digits of the number are: ");

for (int i = 0; i < r.length(); i++)


a[i] = r.substring(i,i+1);


System.out.print(" ");

k = k + Integer.parseInt(a[i]);



System.out.print("The sum of the digits is: ");





C:\>java Digit

Enter Number:123456789

The Digits of the number are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The sum of the digits is: 45

Modified while loop

Answer// start off with an integer

int n = some_integer;

// this will keep track of the sum of the digits of n...

// we set it to n initially to simplify our loop logic

int sum_digits = n;

// this loop is to handle cases where the sum of the digits is initially greater than 10

// and we need to sum the digits again

while(sum_digits >=10) {

// reset sum_digits

sum_digits = 0;

// use log function to get the number of digits in n

int num_digits = (int) Math.log10(n) + 1;

// here is the actual work of the algorithm...

do {

// (n % 10) will return the last (right-most) digit of n,

// which we will add to our sum

sum_digits += n % 10;

// now divide n by 10 to get rid of the digit we just added

n /= 10;

}while( n > 0 ); // loop until we're done with this number

// set n to the sum of the digits in case we need to loop again

n = sum_digits


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13y ago
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15y ago

public static final int sumDigits(final int n) {

int _n = n;

int sum = 0;

while( _n > 0 ) {

sum += (_n % 10); // add last digit of _n to sum

_n /= 10; // divide _n by 10 to "chop off" the last digit


return sum;


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14y ago

public static final int getSumDigits(int n) {

int sum = 0;

while( n != 0 ) {

// Add right most digit to sum

sum += n % 10;

// Chop off right most digit from n

n /= 10;


return sum;


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12y ago

import java.util.*; class SumOfDigits { public static void main(String args[]) { int sum = 0; System.out.println("Enter multi digit number:"); Scanner input = new Scanner(; int n = input.nextInt(); int t = n; while (n > 0) { int p = n % 10; sum = sum + p; n = n / 10; } System.out.println("sum of the digits in " + t + " is " + sum); } }

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12y ago

There's no direct method to sum up the digits in a string.

You can try the below code instead:

int i=10;

int j=20;

Integer digit=new Integer(i);

Integer digit1=new Integer(j);

Integer result=(digit+digit1);

String sum=result.toString();

System.out.println("Sum of i and j is : "+sum);

We cannot dereference an int to string. But we can use Wrapper class to convert it to String.

Hope it helps you..


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12y ago

first read nd write all individual digits then goto sum funtion use by adding all individual digits..

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