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You're better off using a program like Visual Basic or C++ to do that. QBasic doesn't have very many capabilities.

AnswerQBasic is quite capable. It is certainly capable of solving a magic squares problem.
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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

'set both vertical/horizontal position on screen of where to print out the text message...

vertLinePos% = 13 '...set vertical screen position of text

horiTabPos% = 7 '...set horizontal screen position of text

'set text message...

message$ = "This is the message text to flash. (Press [SPACEBAR] key to stop...!)"

CLS '...(CL)ear the (S)creen

DO '...keep LOOP-ing UNTIL when user presses any IN-coming KEY to stop....

'print visible message, first...

LOCATE vertLinePos%, horiTabPos% '...print message in one same fixed place

PRINT message$ '...print message as text

FOR pauseCount = 1 TO 32767: NEXT '...pause to show message

'overwrite message with a series of blank spaces: " "...

LOCATE vertLinePos%, horiTabPos% '...print message in one same fixed place

PRINT STRING$(LEN(message$), " ") '...print message as blank spaces

FOR pauseCount = 1 TO 32767: NEXT '...pause to show message


END '...END of program/halt program code execution

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βˆ™ 12y ago

By 'create a matrix multiplication program'...

I'll assume you mean how to create a Times Tables number square:-

QBASIC Code/Start...



PRINT "PROGRAM: Twelve Times Tables Number Square"


FOR intTimes% = 1 TO 12

FOR intTables% = 1 TO 12

'*** calculate times tables sum...

sum% = intTimes% * intTables%

'*** format number of of spaces...

noOfSpaces% = 0

IF LEN(STR$(sum%)) = 2 THEN noOfSpaces% = 2

IF LEN(STR$(sum%)) = 3 THEN noOfSpaces% = 1

'*** set colors...

COLOR 8, 7

IF intTimes% = intTables% THEN COLOR 1, 4

IF intTimes% = 1 THEN COLOR 4, 11

IF intTables% = 1 THEN COLOR 4, 11

'*** print out times tables sum...

PRINT sum%; SPC(noOfSpaces%);






...QBASIC Code/End.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


PRINT "I like chocalate!"

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Q: How do you write a magic square program with basic?
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