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bool is_prime(unsigned num) {
unsigned max, factor;
if (num<2) return false;
if (!(num%2)) return num==2;
max = (unsigned) sqrt((double)num) + 1.0;
for (factor=3; factorif (!(num%factor)) return false;
return true;

int main() {

unsigned num;

for (num=1; num<=200; ++num)

if (is_prime(num)) printf ("%u is prime\n", num);

return 0;


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9y ago
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14y ago

Implement these methods in JAVA, perhaps with minor changes to primes():

public static void primes() {

for(int i = START; i <= END; i++) {


System.out.print(i + ", ");




public static boolean prime(int n) {

if(n < 2) return false;

if(n 0) return false;

return true;


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How do Iwrite a Program that prints all prime numbers from an array?

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11y ago

You can loop through the array. In Java, this might look like this:

for (i = 0; i <= myArray.length(); i++) {



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Write the full program for the quadratic equation in COBOL?

Identification division. Program-id. Quadratic. Environment division. Data division. Working-storage section. 01 a pic 9(3) value 0. 01 b pic 9(3) value 0. 01 c pic 9(3) value 0. 01 d pic 9(3) value 0. 01 e pic 9(3) value 0. 01 f pic 9(3) value 0. 01 g pic 9(3) value 0. 01 h pic 9(3) value 0. 01 x1 pic 9(3) value 0. 01 x pic z(3).z(2) value 0. 01 x2 pic 9(3) value 0. 01 y pic z(3).z(2) value 0. Procedure division. Display "Written by Martin O. Egua, but not complete". Display "Quadratic equation solver for three values a, b &amp; c" Display "Enter a number: " Accept a. Display "Enter the second number: " Accept b. Display "Enter the last number: " Accept c. compute d = (b * b) compute e = 4 * a * c compute f = 2 * a compute g = d - e compute h = function sqrt (g). compute x1 = (-b) + h compute x = x1 / f Display "X = " x compute x2 = (-b) - h compute y = x2 / f Display "Y = " y Display "Send the accurate program". Stop run.

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