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Basically Pi 3.14.... Etc. is the number that is used for circles. Should you want to build a building with a cirlce roof you'll need to find the circumference. Basically you multiply pi with the diameter and you get the circumference.

There is a lot more to it than that; pi turns up in many contexts which aren't about circles. One is Fourier series, used in problems ranging from the distribution of heat in physics to acoustics, image analysis, and in filters in circuits in electrical and computer engineering. The formulas for Fourier series involve pi.

I think you will find that pi turns up in every branch of engineering.

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How many digits long is pi?

An INFINITE number. Computers have calculated 'pi' to billions of places and still going. However for everyday school learning pi = 3.14 or pi = 22/7 . For more accurate calculations pi = 3.1416 . This is used in science, technology and engineering.

Why is pi singnificant today?

It is as significant now as it has ever been. It is one of the fundamental numbers of mathematics. There are not many applications of advanced math or engineering sciences that would never encounter a use for pi.

How can you get a closer number to pi?

Pi is usually described as either a decimal or a fraction in as simple terms as possible. pi is simplified as 3.14 or 22/7. A "closer" answer to pi can be worked out to millions of places to the right of the decimal by computers, but it is academic, as no "absolute value" for pi can ever be reached. For practical purposes - even in precise fields such as engineering - a value for pi of 3.1417 is considered more than adequate.

What is the most accurate fraction for pi?

Pi, being irrational, has an endless number of digits to the right of the decimal, as you know. But for almost any application, even basic engineering, a value of 3.1417 is highly accurate.

What is a numerical value of Pi?

'pi' is an IRRATIONAL number. This means the decimals are in no particular order, and go to infinity. pi = 3.141592..... For school work pi = 3.14 = 22/7 For scientific/ engineering work 'pi = 3.1416. These last two are only APPROXIMATIONS, because no one knows the true value of 'pi' , because of its irrationality'.

Why is pi so importa NT?

Well, it help in finding measurements in circle and such, which helps in engineering, which helps in the invention of new things. And frankly, it's delicious.

What is the use of pi in everyday life?

Pi is used in various applications such as engineering, physics, and mathematics. It is commonly used in calculating measurements related to circles, spheres, and cycles, like calculating the area and circumference of a circle or the volume of a cylinder. In everyday life, pi can be seen in things like designing round objects, calculating the area of a circular garden, or determining the volume of a cylindrical container.

What is the pi root of pi?

(pi)(1/pi)=1.4396 ...

Where is pi used today?

In a lot of different places! Obviously in geometry. It occurs in the formulas for the circumference and area of a circle, and for the surface area and volume of spheres, cylinders and cones. In mechanics, the formulas for moments of intertia of spheres, cylinders, and so on, involve pi. Pi also occurs in trigonometry, and is involved in the definition of radian measure (2 pi radians = 360 degrees). Radian measure is used when trigonometric functions are combined with calculus, and that combination has connections with many parts of physics and engineering. For instance, Fourier series arise from the combination of trigonometry and calculus. Fourier used them to solve problems connected with the distribution of heat in physics. Now they are used in all sorts of places, including acoustics, image analysis, and engineering problems like analysing the behaviour of the digital-to-analogue converters used in CD players and portable audio devices. The formulas for Fourier series involve pi. There is also a connection between trigonometry and complex numbers, shown in Euler's identity e^(i pi) = -1 (where ^ means "to the power of"). Again, complex numbers are used widely in physics and engineering. Another place that pi occurs is in probability and statistics: the formula for the normal distribution, which is used all the time in probability and statistics, involves pi. There is more ... In summary, if you look at almost any technical field that has some mathematics at its base, you will find pi.

What is pi times pi divided by pi plus pi minus pi times pi?

the same as pi squared, which is 9.86960440109

How is pi used in real life?

Here is a few places where it can be used: Drawings , machinery, plans, planes, buildings, bridges, geometry problems, estimation, testing, space science, architecture, and engineering

What is the square root of pi times pi?

The square root of pi times pi is simply pi. Because pi*pi=pi squared, the squared and the square root will cancel each other, leaving just pi.