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It depends on the source of DC that is powering the inverter. Since the inverter is 2000 watts, that just means it will handle your 1500 watt application. At 120 VAC you are drawing a little over 12 Amps. If this is an inverter plugged into a car it will run until the battery runs down, whose time will be lengthened if you keep the car running. Your battery will have an Ampere per Hour rating. If for example you had a 50 AHr battery it could supply 50 Amps for an Hour so your heater would run for about 4 hours.

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Q: How long would a 1500 watt space heater run on a 2000 watt dc to ac power invert?
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I would have to say invert mini.I have one and nit has a bps of 20 and works great.

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How much power does a heater use?

Check the appliance's specifications on the strip, tag or plate that is usually fixed either on the back or somewhere on the frame. On there you will find its required operating voltage and wattage that it draws.If your home has 240 volt line voltage just divide the watts by the volts for the answer.Example: a 2400 watt water heater for a 240 volt line using the formula watts / volts = amps would give you 10 amps. For a 120 volt appliance it would be 20 amps.

Which one is better the g3 or the invert mini?

i would get the invert mini because it is easy to work and it comes with everything you need and it costs the same as the g3 it is not that much money but still a good gun. The invert mini Is also has no macroline and has a smaller frame.