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An infinite amount... for any given Strain, there is a corresponding Stress value. To see what I mean, plot a Stress Strain graph in excel using 10 sets of values, then do another using 20... the one with 20 has a smoother curve, see where I'm coming from?

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Q: How many stress values can be found in stress strain curve?
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What is shear strength of T6061?

Depends on what alloy you mean. If you are talking about pure Al (AISI1xxx), it is generally accepted to yield about 7-11Mpa. Another thing to consider is that Al does not have as pronounced yield as say Fe systems. The 0.2% offset stress is used in most calculations regarding Al yield stress and is calculated as follows: L = length of sample ->0.2%*L=0.2% offset strain. Plot this point on stress/strain graph and draw line from this point on the strain axis parallel to the elastic slope of the material until it reaches the data points. This intersection is the 0.2% offset stress point.

What is the formula for shear and stress?

Just like axial stress, shear stress is force divided by area. The area is the surface the force acts over. For example, imagine two wood blocks that are nailed together. If you apply a force to the top block orthogonal to the longitudinal axis of the nail and the same force in the opposite direction to the bottom block, the shear stress (𝝉) in the nail is 𝝉 = F/A or F/(πr2) where r is the radius of the nail.

Why null values in database?

The 'null'-content of any given field is just that. It's a 'nothing'. Example, if you create a database to hold chemical values for instance. If the values are, for example, real nubers. That would imply that any value that has 0 in it, is just that; zero. It was beeing measured, and found to contain zero. On the other hand if a value was not tested, the value of that compound should be set to 'null'. If a 'null' value isn't supported by the database a workaround is to set 'null' values to -1 (as per the example above). --

Disadvantages of enumeration in c?

The big disadvantage I've found is that you might mistake it for a user-defined type. It's not; you still have to use int for your variable type and compilers will not do anything to help restricted assignment to values from the enumeration.

Why all the oscillations found in nature mechanical electrical etc are sinusoids?

The sine wave is the curve that naturally occurs when the restoring force is proportional to the displacement. The math is a little complicated (the sine wave in this case is the solution of the corresponding differential equation), but the point is, this relationship between the force and the displacement is a fairly common situation.

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What information might you get from stress-strain curve?

As a simple answer, from this curve the mechanical properties of the material can be found such as: Elasticity Modulus (E) which is the proportion of Stress to the Strain, the higher value means under a fixed value pressure the material oppose more to deflect. Reversely, the lower value shows that the material is more flexible. Other information such as Yield Strength, Ultimate Tensile Strength and also from the area below this curve the material toughness can be obtained.

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proof stress can be found by referring to the stress/strain curve at the point where strain is = 0.2% original volume (the material has grown 0.2% in volume) proof stress will be given as a measurement of energy (MPa,KPa etc.) as it specifically refers to the amount of energy required to stress the material to 0.2% its original volume.

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tests on gst have been found to have moderate to strong empircal support. The theory really isn't about strain, it's about stress. stole findings from other theories. Use of control, slt variables to explain coping.

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