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Partial differential equations can be used to model physical systems over time and so can for example describe how you walk. In such an application a faulty stride can be found by comparing a patient's walk with a 'normal' walk.

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How op amp is used in an electronic analog computer to solve a differential equation?

In a computer there are many A/D converters that put analog into digital. This signal is what is usually then led into an op amp which in the right configuration can be designed into an integrator or differentiator which is then used to solve differential equations.

State the two situations in field where differential pully block is used?

The differential pulley block is used in the United States Naval Education.

How is math used in engineering?

Many of the calculations done by a working ChE involve Thermodynamics, Physical Chemistry and Kinetics and Catalysis. It's not just adding and subtracting by any means. A firm background in Math is required. I suggest that you find a copy of Perry's Chemical Engineering Handbook in the library, and thumb through it. You will get an feel for some of the work done.

What types of math are used in chemical engineering?

Chemical engineers use Optimization Techniques and Operations Research to optimize and bring out the most suitable design with appropriate parameters. Chemical engineers use Computational Fluid Dynamics involving lots of complex calculus to solve complicated fluid system and heat transfer problems. Chemical engineers fit data for accurate graphical analysis using methods of regression and other graph techniques. Chemical engineers use Partial Differential Equations and Ordinary Differential Equations using either manually or by Polymath, Matlab, Wolfram Mathematica to solve and get a solution to system of equations. Chemical engineers use Numerical Analysis and techniques to solve a variety of problems based on the dynamic nature of the system. Chemical engineers use Surface Volume, Area, 3-D geometry and vector algebra for material analysis and assessing physical parameters to plant systems and units.

Which relay is used to protect generators and motors?

differential protection relay

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What are the Uses of Cauchy Euler equation?

One thing about math is that sometimes the challenge of solving a difficult problem is more rewarding than even it's application to the "real" world. And the applications lead to other applications and new problems come up with other interesting solutions and on and on... But... The Cauchy-Euler equation comes up a lot when you try to solve differential equations (the Cauchy-Euler equation is an ordinary differential equation, but more complex partial differential equations can be decomposed to ordinary differential equations); differential equations are used extensively by engineers and scientists to describe, predict, and manipulate real-world scenarios and problems. Specifically, the Cauchy-Euler equation comes up when the solution to the problem is of the form of a power - that is the variable raised to a real power. Specific cases involving equilibrium phenomena - like heat energy through a bar or electromagnetics often rely on partial differential equations (Laplace's Equation, or the Helmholtz equation, for example), and there are cases of these which can be separated into the Cauchy-Euler equation.

Applications of ordinary differential equations in engineering field?

Applications of ordinary differential equations are commonly used in the engineering field. The equation is used to find the relationship between the various parts of a bridge, as seen in the Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory.

What do you mean by differential equation?

Differential equations are equations involve rates of change (differentials). These rates of change are usually shown in the equations as a variable prefixed by a d (e.g. dx for the rate of change of the variable x). The same notation is also used in integration, but the integrand symbol is also added in such equations.

Why do you use laplace transformation in compuer engineering?

Laplace Transforms are used to solve differential equations.

Application of gronwall's lemma in differential equations?

Used to prove uniqueness of solutions in ODE problems

What are ordinary differential equations?

ODE's are equations containing a function of one independent variable and its derivatives. The term "ordinary" just means the subject excludes the use of partial derivatives. Basically, they are equations in which specific variables will be expressed as a derivative. They are used to denote the change of variables relative to the change of other variables. With an equation like y=mx+b you can write it as a differential equation by putting: y = (dy/dx)x + b but it is hardly necessary to do so because it is easy to solve.

What is a PECE?

PECE stands for several things. In mathematics PECE is a method used to solve differential equations.

What has the author Dennis G Zill written?

Dennis G. Zill is known for his work in mathematics, particularly in the field of differential equations. He has authored several textbooks on differential equations and calculus that are widely used in university courses.

What are the difference between the lagrange equation and lagrange function?

The Lagrange equation is a set of differential equations that describe the dynamics of a system in terms of generalized coordinates and forces. The Lagrangian function, on the other hand, is the difference between the kinetic and potential energy of the system, and is used to derive the Lagrange equations. The Lagrange function helps to simplify the process of finding the equations of motion for a system by providing a single function to work with.

What type of math is used in a bankers job?

Arithmetic , algebra, some differential equations might occur in analysis.

Application of Z transform in electrical?

Z tranform can be used to solve the differential equations occurring in electrical problems.