UnderScore, _ for normal statement and for string ampersand "&" character is required e.g.1
form1.textarea1.text = _ val(text2.text)
e.g.2 form1.textarea1.text = "this is m" & _
"y complete message"
It isn't, except for the (Name) property! It is just that the default for vb6 is ShockwaveFlash.
don't save your work. restart your pc. and it will gone. ENJOY :)
hi every body my name is mohamed i live in egypt i am a programer with vb6 i ca solve the transport problem using vb6 just keep in touch with me at my phone number 002 0106909294 thnks
yes u can do it....running mapinfo file under VB 6
VB6 is a more recent and more advanced version of visual basic.
A .vb6 file is visual basic 6 source code, sometimes with it are .frm files that you would need. A .dmg is a Macintosh binary. you would have to find a program to compile the vb6 code to a Macintosh binary.
Please refer the following link, there you can find useful information about differences between VB6 and VB .NET
use vb6
you simply cant, unless you know how to upload exe's to the internet.
This may suprise you but visual basic 2003 was realeased a few years after vb6 vb6 I think was in 1998 and 2003 obviously in 2003
VB6 code is directly compiled by VB6 compiler into native code. However C# code is targeted for CLR and goes through two level of compilattion. It is first compiled into MSIL and then JIT compiled to native code. This ensures interoperability among .NET based lanuages and hence language independence for them.
There is no option to display line numbers in VB6. You can see the current line and column displayed on the standard toolbar (View > Toolbars > Standard (should be check marked). Example: "Ln 170, Col 18" I've never used it but read about an MZTools add-in which works by adding line numbers to your source code.
you go up in file and click save project as and it should be saved
The function is Sqr() in VB6 and Math.Sqr() in .NET.