The Homestead Act of 1862is most responsible for the rapid settlement of the Great Plains.
windmills... plows... you think of some! :)
The Steel Plow
T.P housing made out of bufflo hide and wood/big sticks
they live in a long house
Fought on October 28, 1776 in the area surrounding White Plains, New York.
East Timor is basically mountainous, with flat plains surrounding them. There are also rivers feeding the plains from the mountains.
Raised areas that represent moutains and/or plains, and the representations of the different Coastlines surrounding each continent .
Mt.FugiMt.AtoShinano RiverLake SinaKanto Plains
On the coastal plains surrounding the Gulf of Mexico.
Buffalo supplied food, clothing and housing.
Plains. These are large areas of low relief. Plateaus are flat areas that rise above the surrounding landscape.