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It is a stronger isolator, meaning that it leaves less current through.

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Q: Is 40 Mega ohms a better insulator than 10 Mega ohms?
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Is glass or metal a better conductor?

Glass has a higher conductivity than thin plastic but,it is still lower than metal so metal may be a better conductor

What is the total voltage for R1 20 ohms R2 30 ohms and R3 18 ohms?

As you have not supplied any information, other than the resistance of the individual resistors, there is no way in which your question can be answered.

What is the total resistance of a 6-ohm resistor and a 12-ohm resistor in a parallel series?

In series like so ---6 ohms ---- 12 ohms --- , the total resistance is just 6 ohms + 12 ohms.assuming you mean in parallel like this:_|---6 ohms-----|-|~|-_|---12 ohms---|then the resistance of this can be calculated like so:1/6 ohms + 1/12 ohms = 1/R (where R is the resistance of the circuit as a whole)2/12 ohms + 1/12 ohms = 1/R3/12 ohms = 1/R1/4 ohms = 1/Rso R = 4 ohmsA few notes, if the resistors are in parallel the total resistance will always be less than or equal to the lowest resistance in parallel (i.e 6 ohms in parallel with 12 ohms will have resistance less than 6 ohms).Also if two resistances in parallel are the same, then the resistance is half of the resistance of both resistors (i.e. 1/2 ohms + 1/2 ohms = 1/R; 1 = 1/R, R=1 ohm which is half of 2 ohms).This process can be extended to 2 or more resistors in parallel.i.e if we had a 6 ohm, 6 ohm and 12 ohm resistor in parallel we could go1/6 ohms + 1/6 ohms + 1/12 ohms = 1/R(1/6 ohms + 1/6 ohms) + 1/12 ohms = 1/R1/3 ohms + 1/12 ohms = 1/R4/12ohms + 1/12 ohms = 1/R5/12 ohms = 1/Rso R = 12/5 ohms or 2.4 ohms

Why is air a better insulator than solids?

.air you can breath and if there was no air there would be no things that live out of sea

What is the difference between 6 ohms and 8 ohms?

Though it is tempting to say the difference is 2 ohms (8 ohms minus 2 ohms equals 6 ohms), lets look at some things. The 6 ohms is 3/4ths the resistance of the 8 ohms. If the resistances are loads, the 6 ohm load will draw 1/3rd more current than the 8 ohm load. The 8 ohm load will draw 3/4ths as much as the 6 ohm load. Those are some differences between 6 ohms and 8 ohms.

Related questions

Is mega ohms more them k ohms?

Yes, one mega ohm is more than one kilo ohm. Mega means million, kilo means thousand.

Is a material with a lower R-value a better insulator than a material with a high R-value?

No. A higher R-value is a better insulator.

How can you determine if foam is a better insulator than paper?

yes you can test it under a lamp and see the temp. for the foam and paper and if one has the lowest than that's the better insulator!good luck!

Why does the glass on a window pane feel cooler to the touch than the wood frame surrounding the glass?

Wood is a better thermal insulator than glass, which is easily cooled.

Is air or fiberglass a better insulator?

Fiberglass is a better insulator than air because it has the ability to trap air pockets within its fibers, which reduces heat transfer. This makes fiberglass a more effective thermal insulator compared to the air itself.

Is fibreglass a better insulator than vacuum?

Vacuum is a better insulator than fiberglass. Vacuum has no particles to transfer heat through, while fiberglass relies on slowing down heat transfer through its material. This makes vacuum a more effective insulator, as it minimizes heat transfer through conduction and convection.

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Is cotton a better insulator than aluminium foil and tissue paper?

No, cotton is not a better insulator than aluminum foil and tissue paper. Aluminum foil is a good insulator as it reflects heat, while tissue paper acts as a thermal barrier. Cotton, on the other hand, is not as effective of an insulator because it does not have the same reflective or thermal barrier properties.

Is plastic a better insulator then rubber shoes?

I think No, plastic is not a better insulator even compared to rubber shoes...Another AnswerYour question is a little like asking, "Is metal a better conductor than a electrolyte?". The reason for this is that there are lots of different types of plastic and various types of rubber. Without knowing exactly which sort of plastic, and what type of rubber, there is no way of knowing which is the better insulator.

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Because argon is a better insulator than air

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Is styrofoam a better insulator of heat than plastic?

Yes, styrofoam is a better insulator of heat than plastic due to its low thermal conductivity and ability to trap air pockets. This makes it more effective at preventing heat transfer.