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No, a multiview projection is used for developing a multiview drawing. Multiview projections are orthographic projection where the object is behind the plane of projection, and is oriented such that only two of its dimensions are shown.

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Q: Is a isometric projection used for developing a multiview drawing?
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Related questions

What is multiview drawings?

a multiview drawing contains the top view, side view, and front view of an object. It also contains the isometric projection of the object.

What is the Difference between Isometric Projection and Oblique projection?

The difference is that the Isometric projection shows more and accurate drawing than the Oblique project which is just a pictorial method.

Difference between isometric view and isometric projection?

I think both are same. There is difference between isometric view and isometric drawing that is of size.

What is the difference between iso and oblique drawing?

Isometric Drawing: keeps the scale the same along each axis of the drawing, use mostly in engineering. Oblique Drawing: is a type of parallel projection of an object to give it a sort of 3D effect on paper, a much simpler form of drawing.

What kind of drawing compresses all the parts into a two-dimensional plane?

isometric drawing

How many sides or faces are possible for an isometric drawing?

there can be 13 sides on an isometric drawing

What is the disadvantage of using isometric drawings?

v Orthographic drawingØOrthographic drawings are orthographic projection drawings. These can be drawn at first angle projection and third angle projections.ØI am going to explain orthographic third angle projection drawing because I use them.ØIf I want to draw orthographic third angles projection drawing I have to follow some rules.ØThese rules are:ØThe view from the front is in the middle.ØThe view from the left is on the left.ØThe view from the right is on the right.ØThe view from the top is on the top.ØThe view from the bottom is on the bottom.ØThe view from the rear/back is on the far right.Example of orthographic third angle projection.Orthographic drawing advantageOrthographic drawing disadvantageEasy to recognized /read and understand by engineers.Hard to recognized by other people then engineers.Doesn't looks like at all to real design/picture.

Difference between orthographic projection and isometric projection?

These principles are usually taught in a drafting class, but may be taught in advanced art as well. Orthographic views may be drawn out on a page to show top, front and side views of an isometric drawing that is also drawn on the page as well. This is a basic drafting design setup.

What is the difference between a two- dimensional sketch and an isometric sketch?

An isometric is more specific

Why 30 degree angle is used in isometric?

isometric drawing create the illusion of 3 dimension by drawing the depth of the object on the both side.. in isometric drawing they are both set on the 30 degree angle..

What is the advantage of isometric drawings?

Isometric drawings are drawn to the same scale along all three axes (x,y,z) so are useful for giving a sense of relative dimensions, and three dimensional scale. Measurements can also be taken from the drawings for items that lie along or parallel to an axis.

What are the rules in isometric drawing?

isometric is of or exhibiting equality in dimensions or measurements.