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Q: Is it easier for dyslexic people who are good at math to write reports or essays?
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Related questions

Can non-dyslexic parents bear dyslexic kid?

Absolutely! One in five people are dyslexic, so there is probably someone in your immediate family who has some measure of dyslexia, whether or not they have confided in you.

Can right handed people be dyslexic?

Anybody can be dyslexic, left handed people, right handed people, people who use both hands. You need to look what dyslexia is mate, because this is a stupid question.

Can dyslexic people dream?

yh my friend is dyslexic she dreams some weird things :PMore information:Dyslexia has nothing to do with dreaming. All people dream, although not everyone remembers dreams.

Is Bella Thorne still Dyslexic or did outgrow Her Dyslexia?

Yeah, she was dyslexic, but she's also a bad actress. And her series also insulted people with dyslexia.

Can an adult acquire dyslexia?

People do not contract Dyslexia; people are born with it. However, you may be diagnosed with it at varying ages.

What are the chances of dyslexic and or dysgraphic people into engineering?

Higher than usual

Are there any people on Disney channel that are dyslexic?

yes in shake it up Cece has it

Essay on mera bharat mahan in Hindi?

WikiAnswers is not a free service for writing critiques, essays, discussion papers, reports

What are qualifiers in essays?

this qualifiers and essays in my oponuon evry people enargy

When did Bella Thorne reaveal she was Dyslexic?

She revealed it in episode 4 season 1 the episode ''Add It Up.'' Some people think she is just dyslexic on the show but that is wrong. She is also dyslexic off screen. She made a bunch of videos on youtube. But she is dyslexic off screen and on.She made a lot of youtube videos about her being dyslexic and also she had a lot of interviews. I know absoloutley EVERYTHING about bella thorne, zendaya, and shake it up cause i am their #! fan.

What does chuck close paint?

he painted pictures of famouse people even thought he was dyslexic

How many dyslexic people are in the world?

Aolt moer than yuo wuold thlkn