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Ye, 1 bit can either represent on "1" or off "0".

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Q: Is it true that each 1 and 0 in the binary system represents 1 bit of computer code?
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What was the earliest computer languages and were they Binary Code FORTRAN COBOL.?

The oldest computer language is machine code and all computer languages are binary encoded. It's unavoidable on binary machines.

Is binary code the source code?

No. In short, binary code is the code your computer executes, it can be in many forms, ranging from bytecode, which must be interpreted, but is pre-compiled to machine code, which is directly run by the system, and is generally specific to a particular system. Source code is the code of the program, as written by the programmer. It is written in a language that can be translated into instructions understood by computers. Most of the times, binary code is not easily human readable whereas source code is.

What does Binary code use to create a type of Morse code that the computer understands?

Binary code is the native language of the machine; no translation is necessary. However, the binary encoded data may be abstract, high-level instruction code (program source code) that must be compiled or interpreted in order to produce the required machine code the computer understands. A software program is used to perform this translation; each programming language provides its own compiler and/or interpreter specific to each machine type and operating system (the platform).

What is the meaning of 0x10000000 in embedded C programming using LPC2129?

The meaning is entirely dependent upon the data the value actually represents. As an unsigned integer, 0x10000000 represents the value 128. As a signed integer it would represent -127 on a ones-complement system and -128 on a twos-complement system. Regardless of its value, the meaning depends on what that value is supposed to represent. It could be an index into an array, a character code, a memory address, an instruction, or indeed anything the programmer desires it to mean. Ultimately it is just a binary representation for some piece of information that is stored digitally. We (humans) can interpret it as a number, but to the computer it is nothing more than a binary code. What that code represents is entirely open to interpretation.

Who uses binary code?

Binary Codes (0s & 1s) are ways that represent how signals are interpreted on Storage devices. Therefore Binary codes are different for various types of Media available. i.e. Magnetic Orientations (North or South Pole) represents binaries on Magnetic Platter based HDDs Pits & Lands represents binaries on Optical Media (CDs & DVDs)

Related questions

What numbering system do computer use?

They use the binary code (1010101011001100)

What is the name of the system of zeros and ones that computer use to communicate?

It is known as the binary code.

Which language is understood by digital system of computer and how computer translate?

They understand machine code, i.e. Binary Digits.

What is sixteen in the Binary code system?

Sixteen in the Binary code system is (1000)2

What is the purpose of binary codes?

A Binary code is a way of representing text or computer processor instructions by the use of the binary number system's two-binary digits 0 and 1.So the purpose of binary code is to issue human readable code, changed to machine code (binary) that the computer understands and can execute the instructions.

Which binary code strings represents the number 5?

The number 5 in binary is 101

What was the earliest computer languages and were they Binary Code FORTRAN COBOL.?

The oldest computer language is machine code and all computer languages are binary encoded. It's unavoidable on binary machines.

How can a Canadian computer talk with a Chinese computer?

Computers transmit information in binary code (also called "Machine Code") and then the computer's Operating System takes that binary code information and displays it in the language that the operator has chosen for it to be displayed it. All computers, regardless of language or country, use the same machine code.

What the most popular code system is?

binary code system

How the computer can understand binary language?

The computer understands binary because the 1 means on and the 0 means off, so that controls how it operates. Binary language is then converted to our number system where the numbers represent things. ASCII code is used to convert binary to text.

WHAT IS the code computer communicate in?

Binary code, zeros and ones.

How does a computer processes information based on the components of its system unit?

Binary code. I think, I'll have to check that one out.