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More likely because it's easier to manufacture, much easier to put threads on, you don't have to worry about orientation when you put them together, and they have no weak spots created by corners.

My gutter pipes are rectangular because they don't stick out as far from the house as a circular one with the same area. But they are low enough in the pressure they contain that they can be formed from sheet metal with a crimped seam. Making a water supply pipe that way would be impossible.

And it's easy to keep them aligned to the house. Running a rectangular water main under a street would be a major pain.

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Q: Is pipe round because it provides the least surface area to volume ratio?
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What method of layering or bending corrugated cardboard provides the best strength while using the least amount of material?

Mr. M says, "Get back to researching on proper websites."

In Wch stp of technological design is represented by this situation Engineers at a car company determine that a more fuel-efficient engine provides the least carbon monoxide emissions and the company?

Solution design and evalution

Can a Boeing fly with one engine?

No. It cannot fly with one engine, because it is very heavy.It must have at least two engines to stay in air.

How matrices can be represented using two dimensional array?

You've pretty much answered your own question because a two-dimensional array is a matrix. Indeed, all multi-dimensional arrays are matrices. When we create a matrix, we generally know what type of data will be stored in the matrix, how many dimensions it will have and how many elements each dimension will have, thus an array is the ideal container to represent a matrix. It provides the most compact method of storing homogeneous data, provides efficient constant-time random access to the data and introduces the least amount of abstraction into the representation. Most languages do not provide a built-in matrix type, however this is simply because there is no one matrix type that would suit every possible application. However, all languages do provide a built-in array mechanism which can be used as the basis for any matrix type which is both simple to create and easy to maintain.

Why do you need to find the natural ground level when building?

Here is what the IRC (International Residential Code) says about footings and proper placement. R403.1.4 Minimum depth. All exterior footings shall be placed at least 12 inches (305 mm) below the undisturbed ground surface. The basic reasoning for getting down to natural ground level is to get to get below the level of undisturbed ground surface. This includes the ground surface likely to include roots and other bio materials. Undisturbed ground is more likely to properly support the weights applied from a structure over the long term. Take for instance tree roots

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