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i=F*sum(zi*Ci) where, i is the current density, F is Faradya's constant, zi is the velence of species i, Ci is the concentration

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Q: Is there a relation between Faraday's constant and current density?
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mass=molar mass * faradays used/faradays needed 1faraday=1C/96500 Na+(aq) + e- -> Na(s) : one electron is transferred so faradays needed to produce 23.0g Na is 1 1.4kg*1000= 1400g 1400g= 23.0g/mol * Fu/1f Fu (faradays used)= Coulombs/96500(faraday constant) Fu=60.9f=Q/96500 Q=96500*60.9= 5.88*10^6 Q=I*t 5.88*106= I*3600s(1h=60min=3600s) I=1630amps

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