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Power consumption is measured in many different ways.

Power is usually measured in Watts

Voltage usually in Volts

Resistance in Ohms

and Current (or flow rate) in Amps

Google for "Ohms Law"

AnswerYou do not 'consume' power. Power is the rate at which work is done.
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13y ago

No. Power is measured in watts.

Current is measured in amperes.

Power is proportional to current under some circumstances, but not always.

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11y ago

NO! voltage is measured in volts!

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Q: Power consumed is measured in amperes?
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What is an eletric current measured in?

If you refer to the units, power (any power, not just electrical power) is energy divided by time. The SI unit is the watt, equal to 1 joule/second.

What is measured in amperes a current voltage or an Resistance?

Electrical current is measured in amperes.

What are amperes measured in?

Amperes - they are the unit of current

What measured in amperes?

Amperes - they are the unit of current

What unit of electrical power is used to measure how fast electrical energy is used?

Lots of units are used to measure electricity, depending on what aspect you want to measure. For example: Voltage is measured in volts Current is measured in amperes Resistance (as well as impedance) is measured in ohms Power is measured in watts Capacitance is measured in coulomb Inductance is measured in henries etc.

What unit measures current?

Current is typically measured in amperes (A).

What can you measure with amperes?

Current is measured in amperes. Amperes is also coulombs per second.

Do you measure large currents in kwh?

No, current is always measured in amperes (A). watt hours is the unit for power.

What The electrical measured is in what units?

Electrical current is measured in amperes (A), voltage is measured in volts (V), and resistance is measured in ohms (Ω). Power is measured in watts (W), and energy is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).