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Q: Specifying exactly what is to be measured in assigning a value to a variable is called what?
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A function is a rule that assigns each value of the variable to exactly one value of the dependent variable?

I found two answers for this question. A function is a rule that assigns to each value of one variable (called the independent variable) exactly one value of another variable (called the dependent variable.) A function is a rule that assigns to each input value a unique output value.

Why pointer variable size of is 4bytes in 32 bit compiler?

Because 32 bit is exactly four bytes.

What is a wildcard for more than one character?

In Windows and UNIX-based systems, while specifying filenames, ? is a wildcard that substitutes for exactly one character. In SQL databases, the underscore (_) matches exactly one character.

What is constant explain their storage representation with suitable example?

A constant is a variable that is immutable. The storage representation is exactly the same as for any other variable of the same type, the only difference is that all constants are allocated in the program's data segment (static memory).

How do you update a data file in c plus plus with a reference?

You cannot store references. A reference is nothing more than an alias, an alternate name for an existing variable or constant. References are primarily used when passing variables to functions such that the function can operate upon the variable itself -- known as passing by reference. The function refers to the variable by a different name, an alias, but it is the same variable. By contrast, when passing a variable by value the function uses a copy of that variable, assigning the variable's value to that copy. References are often confused with pointers, primarily because C uses the term to mean a pointer (hence the term, dereferencing). But in C++ a reference is a separate entity altogether. Unlike a reference, a pointer is a variable in its own right, one that can be used to store a memory address. Since a pointer has storage, you can store a pointer in a data file. However, in reality you are only storing the pointer's value -- a memory address -- not an actual pointer. Pointers and references are similar insofar as they can both refer to an object. A pointer does this by storing the memory address of the object, while a reference refers directly to the object itself. Thus if you have a pointer and a reference to the same object, the pointer's value is exactly the same as the address of the reference. Therefore the only way you can store a reference is by storing the object being referred to, not the reference itself.

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What process involves deciding exactly what is to be measured when assigning value to a variable?


How do scientist usually test for one variable?

To test a single variable, scientists will change only that one variable (called the independent variable) whilst keeping everything else that could possibly affect the results of the experiment exactly the same. The other variables that are affected by the independent variable changing (called dependent variables) are then measured, and a conclusion can be made.

Why do people join it industry?

Do us all the favor of asking again, this time, specifying what exactly is "it".

What is it called exactly what you are going to measure?

A dependent variable.

Why you have to declare variable first in turbo c?

All variables (and constants) must be declared before they can be used. This is so the compiler knows exactly how much memory to allocate to the variable, as the declaration tells the compiler exactly what the variable's type is.

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It is a number specifying exactly what shade of Black-Blue it is, and it should be on a little sticker somewhere on the bike, if it is the Original color of the bike It is a number specifying exactly what shade of Black-Blue it is, and it should be on a little sticker somewhere on the bike, if it is the Original color of the bike

A function is a rule that assigns each value of the variable to exactly one value of the dependent variable?

I found two answers for this question. A function is a rule that assigns to each value of one variable (called the independent variable) exactly one value of another variable (called the dependent variable.) A function is a rule that assigns to each input value a unique output value.

A function is a rule that assigns each value of the independent variable to exactly value of the dependent variable?


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What is a measurement that has been measured exactly plus one digit that has been estimated called?

A pointless exercise! If it has been measured exactly then what is the point of adding one digit which has been estimated?

What rule assigns each value of the independent variable to exactly one value of the dependent variable?

It is any invertible function.

What does independent variable mean in math?

An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent variable.