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Find the average of your readings. Divide 220 volts into it and you will have your answer.

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Q: The actual voltage of a resistor is 220 voltmeter was used to measure and the readings are 203 204 203 205 and 205 calculate the percentage accuracy?
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Current and voltage readings taken on the far right of a meters scale provide greater?

Current and voltage readings taken on the far right of a meter's scale provide greater inaccuracy that readings taken from mid scale on the meter.

Why is the voltmeter connected in parallel but the ammeter connected in series?

The Voltmeter is used to measure the electrical potential difference between two points... so it's no use to connect it in Series , because the electrical potential difference between two points at the same line is zero ==> the readings will always be zero. The Ammeter is used to measure the electric current in a circuit... so it's no use to connect it in Parallel , because you want to know the current flowing in this wire. note the internal Resistance of the Ammeter is very little and very high for the Voltmeter --> so they will not affect the circuit.

What could be the tendencies for the voltmeter if the voltages to be measured exceed the range?

You'd potentially damage the meter. Whether you do or not is immaterial; if the meter cannot measure the range of voltages you are expecting, it will not give accurate readings over that voltage range, thus you should not use it. Buy a different meter that will measure over that voltage range, or use a voltage divider circuit to get a lower voltage at a certain ratio of what is actually in the circuit (this may be difficult to do, or very simple depending on the circuit tested - the key is you do not want to load the circuit with the voltage divider network).

Write a c plus plus program that calculate the maximum and minimum temperature of one year?

If all the readings are stored in an array, then the question becomes how to determine the maximum and minimum values in the array. This can be achieved with the following function: double min(double a[], const size_t size) { double min=a[0]; for( size_t i=1; i<size; ++i ) if(a[i]<min) min=a[i]; return(min); } double max(double a[], const size_t size) { double max=a[0]; for( size_t i=1; i<size; ++i ) if(a[i]<max) max=a[i]; return(max); } Note that when taking temperature readings, you will probably take several samples per day, possibly as often as once every second to obtain a high degree of accuracy. If so, your array will have 31.5 million elements each year.

What is the purpose of calibrating an oscilloscope?

to obtain more accurate readings

Related questions

What is the actual error percentage in calibration of voltmeter?

The error percentage in calibration of a voltmeter refers to the difference between the measured value and the true value of voltage, expressed as a percentage of the true value. It indicates the accuracy of the voltmeter's readings. Lower error percentages indicate higher calibration accuracy.

Is readings on a digital voltmeter a vector quantity?

No, readings on a digital voltmeter are scalar quantities. Voltage, which is what a voltmeter measures, is a scalar quantity representing the potential difference between two points in a circuit. It has magnitude but no specific direction, making it a scalar.

Can you measure power with a volt meter?

No. A voltmeter measures potential difference (voltage). To measure power, a wattmeter is required. On the other hand, for a d.c. circuit only, you could use a voltmeter and an ammeter, and multiply their readings in order to calculate the power of a load.

What causes an error in reading a voltmeter?

Errors in reading a voltmeter can be caused by factors such as poor connection of the voltmeter probes to the circuit, incorrect range selection on the voltmeter, and external electromagnetic interference affecting the measurement. Additionally, using a voltmeter with low battery or a faulty internal circuit can also lead to erroneous readings.

What is the role of voltmeter?

vary the rheostat by step by step note out the two voltmeter readings

What happens if you accidentally connect the positive lead of a voltmeter to the negative terminal of a 1.5 volt battery and the negative lead to the positive terminal?

Voltmeter will give you opposite readings or will not work at all.

Why is it important to take a mean of several readings?

to reduce the the amount of anomalies and to improve the accuracy of the results.

Current and voltage readings taken on the far right of a meters scale provide greater?

Current and voltage readings taken on the far right of a meter's scale provide greater inaccuracy that readings taken from mid scale on the meter.

How do you calculate the avrege in speed?

Add all the speed readings you have, e.g. from every second over a minute. Then you divide the answer by the number of readings you have.

Can blood pressure readings be used to calculate ESV and EDV?


Will the rusting of nails in a sodium chloride - water solution effect the reading off a voltmeter or ammeter?

Yes, the rusting of nails in a sodium chloride-water solution can affect the reading on a voltmeter or ammeter. Rusting involves the flow of electrons, which can impact electrical conductivity, potentially altering the readings on the voltmeter or ammeter.

How yo calculate angle of lag in a inductive coil circuit?

There are several ways of doing this, but it depends on what information you have to start with. One way is to find the impedance, using a voltmeter and an ammeter (impedance will be the product of the two readings), and the resistance using an ohmmeter (or, better still, a Wheatstone Bridge) and, then, use the equation:cos (phase angle) = resistance / impedance