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This phenomena is called resonance. In electrical theory it happens when a inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive reactance regardless whether the reactance's are in parallel or series. A very simple mathematical derivative can prove the general equation.

If X­L is the inductive reactance and XC is the capacitive reactance then at resonance condition the following is true




At resonance



2.pi.f.L=1/( 2.π.f.C)

f2=1/( 4.π2.L.C)

fo=1/( 2.π.√(L.C))

One must take care that for series circuits, impedance at resonance will be equal to the internal resistance while with parallel circuits it is equal to the dynamic resistance RD. Note that we call it resistance since the inductive and capacitive reactance's are equal thus causing a zero phase angle similar to a resistance. In series circuits the impedance becomes minimum, while in parallel the impedance becomes maximum.

Resonance can also be considered as a voltage magnification in series circuits and great caution must be taken since the voltage across impedances can massively increase

A circuit have a 1Ω internal resistance and 10mH inductor, a 10uF capacitor, based on the above formula it will resonate at 503.3Hz. So lets apply 503.3Hz at 100V to the circuit and see what happens across the inductor.

XL = 2. π.f.L=2. π. 503.3Hz.10mH=31.61Ω

XC=1/(2.π.f.C)=1/(2. π. 503.3Hz.10uF) = 31.61Ω

Let j= √ (-1) for the complex notation

The impedance of inductor is

= r + jXL =1 +j31.61 = 31,633∟88.188° Ω

The impedance of the capacitor = -jXC=- j31.61 =31.61 ∟-90°Ω

The total impedance is 1 + j31.61 - j31.61 = 1 +j0 = 1 ∟0°

The current = 100∟0° / 1 ∟0°=100∟0°A

The voltage across the inductor

VL= I x Z = (100∟0°).(31,633∟88.188° Ω)=3163∟88.188° V

As you can see, even though 100V supply might not cause a deadly shock, 3163V across the inductor will be fatal.

Beware that harmonics exists in practical circuits, these are additional frequencies that is added to the fundamental to create a complex wave, often they are odd like 3rd and 5th harmonics. Beware of the term overtone, it is one out for example 2nd harmonic is the 1st overtone, This means 50Hz can have harmonics of 150Hz and 250Hz which can also go into resonance, so even if 50Hz is well outside resonance and will not create much voltage magnification across the inductor, one of the harmonics may be 250Hz and only 10V in magnitude which is about 10% of the 100V fundamental. Then a circuit with a 40mH inductor, 1 Ω resistance, 10uF capacitor can produce a 600V across the inductor because of that tiny harmonic.

In parallel circuits one should be careful for tanking, it is a process where electric field of the capacitor discharge to the inductor creating a magnetic field that will collapse to create a electric field again in the capacitor once again exchanging energy back and fourth. Resistance and loads normally damp the effect quickly but large reactance's and low resistance and very high load impedances can cause a train of ongoing sinus waves long after the power has been removed. This method have been applied in the construction of oscillator circuits

Often one can refer to other mechanical actions to explain what happens during resonance. If a parent pushes a kid on a swing, every cycle the kid swings the parent give a little push in the exact critical stage in the cycle to add extra energy in the direction the swing. Adding a little after every cycle can accumulate energy to let the kid swing very high.

If a wind turbulences creates a fixed frequency and blow onto a bridge, and as the wind push and pull. The bridge will be pushed into a direction, the wind will stop or pull and the bridge swing back but as the bridge turns at it's turning point to swing into the other direction again, the wind surge again and add energy to the motion, once the bridge get to its turning point again the wind stops and the bridge swings back and every cycle the wind surges up at exactly the right time to add energy to the swinging motion until the bridge is so heavily charged with kinetic energy that it destroy it self and collapse. In some areas, valleys, between buildings, constant wind speeds that give rise to turbulences due to fixed structures may result in stable frequencies of push and pull actions by the wind. If the frequency matches the natural frequency of a structure it will accumulate energy after each cycle. It can create massive damage or destruction.

This is also the reason soldiers may not march across a bridge just incase all that feet stepping at the same time will fall into resonance with some of the fundamental structures of the bridge.

More can be read about Tacoma Narrows Bridge that collapsed in 1940, because of a resonance effect caused by wind.

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Q: The condition when the frequency of an external force matches the natural frequency?
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Do most objects have a natural frequency of vibration?

Absolutely not! Glass, for example (every wine glass has a different natural frequency), can be broken by a frequency that matches its own but nearby objects aren't affected by the same frequency.

Can you cause an object to oscillate at a frequency other than its natural frequency?

Yes. It may respond to harmonic frequencies also.

Why is the capture range less than the phase locked range?

Once the PLL is in lock, what is the input (or VCO) frequency range for which it can keep itself locked is the lock range. When the PLL is initially not in lock, what frequency range can make the PLL lock is the capture range. Lock range is the parameter you should be interested in if you are looking for it's tracking behavior. But in CP PLLs, both the lock and capture ranges are the same.., limited only by the VCO's tuning range.In modern PLLs capture range and lock range are the same. But by definition these are different and this relaxed usage in journals and books leads to these confusions.Capture range and pull-in range are the same. Both refer to the ability of the system to acquire lock (from an unlocked state) to a frequency. Here the VCO is running at some arbitrary frequency and the disturbance required at the input to make it respond to the input disturbances thereafter is quantified as capture range.While the VCO is responding to the input disturbance (in-lock), the amount of disturbance at the input that will cause the VCO to shun the input and run freely is quantified as lock range.Always lock range is equal to or greater than the capture range.Definitions from the webLock range is defined as the band of frequencies centered on the VCO's natural frequency over which a PLL can maintain frequency lock with an external input signal.Capture range is defined as the band of frequencies centered around the VCO natural frequency where the PLL can initially establish or acquire frequency lock with an external input signal from an unlocked condition.

What factors can negatively affect a radio signal with a frequency of 200 KHz?

Electricity, Heat, Natural obstacles during daylight hours

What is second critical speed of turbine?

Critical speed means where natural frequency is equal to system frequency.

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Will the amplitude decrease in forced vibration?

No, the amplitude of the forced vibration will remain constant as long as the frequency of the external forcing matches the natural frequency of the system. If the external frequency does not match the natural frequency, the amplitude of the forced vibration may vary depending on the damping in the system.

What are the two factors that affect resonance?

The two factors that affect resonance are the frequency of the external force applied and the natural frequency of the object or system. When the external force matches the natural frequency of the object, resonance occurs, leading to a significant increase in vibration amplitude.

The frequency that an object wants to vibrate at?

The frequency at which an object naturally oscillates when disturbed is known as its natural frequency. This frequency is determined by the object's characteristics, such as its mass, stiffness, and damping properties. When an external force matches the natural frequency of an object, resonance occurs, leading to large amplitude vibrations.

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During resonance, the factor that does not change is the frequency of the vibrating system. Resonance occurs when the frequency of an external force matches the natural frequency of the system, causing it to vibrate with increased amplitude.

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Resonance occurs when the natural frequency of a system matches the frequency of an external vibration, causing it to oscillate with increased amplitude. Forced vibration, on the other hand, occurs when a system is subjected to an external force or vibration at a frequency different from its natural frequency. While resonance is a specific case of forced vibration, not all forced vibrations lead to resonance.

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When the frequency of light matches the natural frequency of molecules in a material, light is absorbed by the material. This phenomenon is known as resonance absorption.

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Resonance is the ability of an object to vibrate at its natural frequency when energy is absorbed, causing the amplitude of the vibrations to increase. This phenomenon occurs when the frequency of an external force matches the natural frequency of the object, leading to a buildup of energy and increased oscillations.

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Resonance is the ability of an object to vibrate by absorbing energy at its natural frequency. When an external force matches the natural frequency of an object, resonance occurs, causing the object to vibrate at an amplified level.

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This is known as resonance. It occurs when the natural frequency of the receiver is equal to the frequency of the sound source, resulting in amplified vibrations.

What is resonance peak?

A resonance peak is a specific frequency at which a system exhibits increased vibration amplitude or energy transfer. It occurs when the natural frequency of the system matches the frequency of an external force or input. Resonance peaks can lead to structural damage or inefficiencies in mechanical and electrical systems.