it is not a passive device .y because it is used to amplify the voltage and current .so as according to the definition of active device is the device which is used to amplify the current r voltage .hence transistor is a active device.
A: THE WORD IS LINEAR. yes it is not a very linear device as a function of current
A: A transistor needs to be biased at a point whereby it is in a linear point with respect to the load otherwise it can give an output that is non linear or clipping. so with the proper bias the circuit is stable or useful.
When we speak of linear and no-linear data structures, we are referring to the links between one element and the next. These links determine how we traverse the structure such that we "visit" every element in the structure. When every element has only one possible link to the next in sequence, then the structure is said to be linear. If any element has two or more possible links, it is said to be non-linear. Arrays, lists, stack and queues are examples of linear structures. Trees, networks and graphs are examples of non-linear structures. A binary tree is the simplest example of a non-linear structure because every element has, at most, two possible links, a left link and a right link. If we follow the left link, then at some point we must return to that same element in order to follow its right link. This means we must backtrack. Any structure that requires us to backtrack during a traversal is therefore non-linear. Linear traversal is more efficient than non-linear traversal because there is no need to backtrack to traverse a linear data structure.
Linear : Traversal is linear .. ex: array,linked lists,stacks,queues NoN-linear: Traversal is not linear.. ex:trees,graphs imagine the situation of searching of particular above scenarious..then u will understand easily.. Linear : Traversal is linear .. ex: array,linked lists,stacks,queues NoN-linear: Traversal is not linear.. ex:trees,graphs imagine the situation of searching of particular above scenarious..then u will understand easily.. Linear : Traversal is linear .. ex: array,linked lists,stacks,queues NoN-linear: Traversal is not linear.. ex:trees,graphs imagine the situation of searching of particular above scenarious..then u will understand easily..
Linear (Straight) circuit: An electronic circuit where the info sinusoidal flood of recurrence f give a stead state yield. This circuit take after ohms law and the estimation of electronic parts doesn't change with the level of voltage of current in the circuit. Non-Linear (Non direct) circuit: The circuit in which the parameters change as for current and voltage. The parameter esteem like resistance, capacitance, inductance, waveform, recurrence and so on, is not consistent. This circuit doesn't take after ohms law and the v-i attributes are not a straight line.
A load line is used in graphic analysis of circuits, having both linear and non-linear parts, representing the constraint the other parts of the circuit put on the non-linear transistor. It represents the response of the linear circuit connected to the transistor. The DC load line describes the DC operation of a transistor graphically.
A transistor can function in both linear and non-linear modes. In the linear mode, it can amplify small signals with a linear relationship between input and output. In the non-linear mode, the transistor operates as a switch, turning on or off based on the input signal.
A: THE WORD IS LINEAR. yes it is not a very linear device as a function of current
Linear elements :In an electric circuit, a linear element is an electrical element with a linear relationship between current andvoltage. Resistors are the most common example of a linear element; other examples include capacitors,inductors, and transformers.Nonlinear Elements :A nonlinear element is one which does not have a linear input/output relation. In a diode, for example, the current is a non-linear function of the voltage.Most semiconductor devices have non-linear characteristics.
since the diode shows its characteristics in a non linearly it is called as nonlinear element since the transistor shows its characteristics in a linear way it s called as linear element Transistors are typically operated in their linear region (such as when used in amplifier circuits), or as switches (where you will in general ignore the nonlinearity of the transistor). Transistors are typically DC biased to operate in this linear region. Diodes are not biased in this way. Strictly speaking, both are nonlinear devices, although transistors can be used in their linear operation region, while diodes are not.
A: A transistor needs to be biased at a point whereby it is in a linear point with respect to the load otherwise it can give an output that is non linear or clipping. so with the proper bias the circuit is stable or useful.
A transistor begin to conduct if the Vbe is ~.6v following an exponential curve therefore non very linear. by biasing it is possible to achieve a linear portion of the load lines
1n4007 is pn junction transistor. it is a non linear device
we will operate transistor mainly in 4 regions..namely active ,cutoff,saturation and pinch off region depending on the type of biasing. if it is under active region then transistor is a linear device.. linearity in the sense if the output is proportional to input then it is said to be linear.
A: A transistor has non linear gain. To find the gain a Q point must be specified
non-linear circuit
In saturation region transistor acts as a non linear device i.e, there is no linear relation between input and output because in saturation region output does not change for variation in input. Whereas in other operating mode transistor acts as a linear device.