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Q: Truth table for clocked R-S flip flop?
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Why d flip flop is better then clocked sr flip flop?

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What is the flip flop draw the circuit diagrem of all flip flop and explain the working of flip flop using nor gates?

draw a logic circuit of the clocked SR flip-flop using NOR gate

What is the difference between unclocked SR flip flop and clocked sr flip flop?

An unclocked SR flip-flop is asynchronous and changes output based on the inputs at any time, which can lead to timing issues and glitches. A clocked SR flip-flop is synchronous and changes output only at the rising or falling edge of a clock signal, ensuring more reliable operation and avoiding glitches.

What is clocked flip flop?

SR flip flop with clock enable .The output will change only when the clock is'1' and when the clock is '0' all the inputs will be ignored

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several types of clocked flip-flop

What is Clocked SR Flip-Flop?

SR flip flop with clock enable .The output will change only when the clock is'1' and when the clock is '0' all the inputs will be ignored

D flip flop?

---- The D flip-flop tracks the input, making transitions with match those of the input D. The D stands for "data"; this flip-flop stores the value that is on the data line. It can be thought of as a basic memory cell. A D flip-flop can be made from a set/reset flip-flop by tying the set to the reset through an inverter. The result may be clocked. ----

Can your intestines flip flop?

can intestant flip flop

When an inverter is placed between both inputs of an S-R flip-flop the resulting flip-flop is?

D flip-flop

What is the full form of T flip flop?

Toggles flip flop

How will you convert a D flip flop into JK flip flop?

you don't

Why is a flip flop called a flip flop?

when you walk, it makes noises