It's a chemical change. A thin layer of silver on the surface reacts with oxygen in the air - to form silver oxide.
no * * * * * A chemical process.
The tarnishing of silver is due to a reaction with hydrogen sulfide. Because the end result of the tarnish is silver sulfide, it is a chemical change.
Conductivty is an electrical property of conducting materials. Silver has the higest conductivity, then copper then aluminimum. Conductivity does not really change with electrical wiring so the power will not be directly affected.
Silver invented Post-It Notes. He was trained as a chemist.
Silver is used as a low resistance conductive material. Contactors and relays contact points are made of copper and are silver plated to obtain the lowest resistance between the moving contact faces.
Chemical change
Chemical Change.--its tarnish!
Chemical Change.--its tarnish!
Chemical Change.--its tarnish!
no * * * * * A chemical process.
a physical property
Silver platter tarnishing is a chemical change: a reaction with hydrogen sulfide.
Silver tarnishing is a chemical change. It occurs when silver reacts with sulfur compounds in the air to form a layer of silver sulfide on the surface. This chemical reaction changes the composition of the silver, resulting in the tarnished appearance.
The tarnishing of silver is due to a reaction with hydrogen sulfide. Because the end result of the tarnish is silver sulfide, it is a chemical change.
Tarnishing of silverware is a chemical change. It occurs when the silver in the utensils reacts with sulfur compounds in the air or food to form silver sulfide, creating a dark layer on the surface of the utensils.
It's a chemical change. The silver reacts with sulfur compounds from the air.
Yes, silver tarnishing is a chemical change. It occurs when the silver reacts with sulfur compounds in the air to form silver sulfide, which gives silver a black or brownish tint. This chemical reaction cannot be easily reversed, unlike a physical change.