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what are the advantages of a u-tube manometer than a piezometer

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Q: What are the advantages of U tube manometer than a piezometer?
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What does a double tube manometer measure?

A double tube manometer measure pressure. Manometers use liquid in a column and balance it against the pressure that they are measuring.

How do you calculate static pressure of AHU?

by u tube manometer

What is compound manometer?

Compound Manometer is an 'U' Tube manometer having 'T' joints at appropriate equal elevation in the columns of U tube manometer where the impulse lines are to be connected to measure Differential Pressure. T joint allows the use Two liquids simultaneously in the manometer. i.e. the liquid who's differential pressure is to be measured being lighter it will gauge at the top and a heavier liquid which does not dissolve with the lighter fluid will gauge at the bottom. Elevation difference in lighter liquid as well as heavier liquids gives their respective differential pressure. Both the differential pressure will be equal in terms of Pressure Units. Since two liquids are used simultaneously this type of U tube manometer is called Compound Manometer.

What is the difference between a manometer and a pitot?

A manometer is a device for measuring pressures, especially the word is used for pressure meters that are constructed to use a liquid in a transparent U-tube. A peizometer is specifically about measuring pressures in ground water wells.

How do you calculate differential heights in a U tube manometer?

A diffrntial u tube manometer is a long bent tube whos both ends r conctd at points in a pipe where presure is to b measurd.Take d reading in d first tube h1 in mm n do similarly in secnd tube n its h2. Den d differential head wil b h1-h2.

Related questions

What is the advantages of U-tube manometer?

it is simple to construct,cheap,very accurative

What are the advantages and disadvantages for inclined tube manometer?

the scale that is attached to the inclined tube are more sensibly then scale in vertical form that are in U-tube manometerdisadvantage is that it is costly and tough to handle.

Types of manometer?

the most common type of manometer are u-tube type,inclined and the cistern type of manometer

How do you use YouTube manometer?

I think you're looking for U-Tube Manometer

What are the uses of the manometer?

air, fluids and very low pressures equal & unequal leg u tube manometer, cistern manometer, u tube manometer.

What is the name of a U Shape tube used to measure the pressure of gases?


What does a double tube manometer measure?

A double tube manometer measure pressure. Manometers use liquid in a column and balance it against the pressure that they are measuring.

Why U-tube is inverted in inverted differential manometer?

The U-tube in an inverted differential manometer is inverted because it allows the device to measure pressure differences accurately. When one side of the U-tube is connected to a system with higher pressure than the other side, the liquid in the U-tube moves to create a visible difference that can be measured. If the U-tube were not inverted, the liquid would not move, and accurate pressure readings could not be obtained.

What are the types of piezometers?

A piezometer is a small diameter water well used to measure the hydraulic head of groundwater in aquifers. Similarly, it may also be a tube or manometer used to measure the pressure of a fluid at a specific location in a column. Piezometers should ideally have a very short screen and filter zone, so that they can represent the hydraulic head at a point in the aquifer. If the filter zone is located at a specific isolated depth, the piezometer is defined punctual, or, if the piezometer has a filter on all its length, is defined windowed. The windowed piezometer is cheaper than the punctual one, but cannot give information on vertical flows. The main problem with the piezometers is the time-lag between the variation of piezometric level in the aquifer and the respective variation in the piezometer. This time-lag is related to the piezometer (type, shape, etc.) and the soil. Modern piezometers with little time-lag are the piezometric cells, where the pressure on a membrane is measured by the pressure of gas (pneumatic piezometric cells), by vibrating thread extensimeters or by electrical extensimeters (strain gauges piezometers). Source:

What happen when mercury used in inverted manometer?

When mercury is used a manometer fluid and the manometer tube is inverted it will measure the small pressure difference in liquids. This is a tool used by scientists.

What are some liquids that are used in U-tube manometer?


Who is the inventor of U-tube manometer?

otto von guericke