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A computer can perform many functions beyond a calculator, including advanced calculations as well as communication, graphics and other high-level activities.

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Q: What are the differences between a calculator and a computer?
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Compare computer and calculator?

The only thing alike between a computer and a calculator is that you can use both to complete math problems. A computer is much more advanced in technology and you can do many things on a computer that you cannot do on a calculator.

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The major difference between a calculator and a computer is?

This is so silly. A calculator is something that gives you answers to a math question (ex. 2+2=4), and a computer has the internet, a software to type, and games. Everything a calculator doesn't have.

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laptop have fast speed this is wrong answer plz give me the answer og this qyesion plzz

What type of calculation is a computational?

All calculation is computational. To calculate means to computer and that is what a computer does. A calculator computes and a computer computes. Therefore, a calculator and a computer does the same thing. The only difference between a calculator and a computer is that the former involve only number computations and the computer involves computing information and the storage of that particular online information.

Can i get a calculator?

If you have a computer, you already have the calculator that is part of the computer's program.

Why is it computer called computer not calculator?

It is known as computer rather than a calculator as the calculator performs functions with numbers whereas; a computer performs functions with not only numbers but encoding of computer language.

3 What is the most important difference between a computer and a calculator?

1. Calculator has temporary memory & Computer has temporary and permanent memory. 2. Calculator can store short amount at data & Computer can store large amount at data. 3. It can't support Internet & Computer can support Internet. 4. It can't support graphics & Computer can support graphics. 5. Calculator has only math calculation but Computer has all type calculation. Etc

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What is the Different between a computer and a calculator?

A computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in the form of answers.A calculator performs arithmetic operations on numbers.

What is the difference between normal and scientific calculators?

There are a number of differences. The scientific calculator has function like tables and memory to store calculation, while a normal calculator can only do the basic calculations.