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A dimension system does not have any relevance to the direction in which things are read.

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Q: What dimension system allows dimensions to be read from the bottom and from the right?
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What is dimension of Coefficient of Elasticity?

The modulus of elasticity, or Young modulus, has dimensions of force per area In English system that is pounds per square inch; in metric system that is newtons per per square meter, or Pascals

What method do engineers use to communicate an objects dimmensional information?

Answera 3d drawing with dimensions...or a series of 2d drawings with dimensions, sections, and plan views.Usually the type of 3d drawing is an isometric - coming from Greek Isos ("equal") and metric ("measure"). In an isometric drawing, the object's horizontal lines are drawn 30 degrees to the horizontal, and all co-planar, co-directional lines are drawn parallel (as opposed to perspective drawings in which an object appears to get smaller the farther away from you it gets). The dimensions are just enough to adequately recreate the object, none missing to leave room for guessing.Dimensions are made up of extension lines and dimension lines. The extension lines extend from the object, usually starting 1/16" or so from the edge of the object itself. The dimension lines have any of a number of types of arrowheads and are drawn between the extension lines, usually with the dimension centered within the dimension line.

How many subscript or dimension of array are supported by c program?

The standard does not specify a limit, it is implementation defined. The practical limit on my system is 30 dimensions. You can easily determine the upper limit by instantiating a static array of char (the smallest data type), where each dimension is 2 (the minimum size for any dimension). static char ch[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2] = {0}; // ok static char no[2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2][2] = {0}; // no can do! Note that if you allocate on the stack (non-static allocation), the limit drops to just 19 dimensions. Note also that a dimension of size 1 isn't an array. You can easily have hundreds of dimensions all of size 1 in an array, but there would only ever be 1 element in the entire array. Thus any dimension of 1 in any array (no matter which dimension) becomes redundant in terms of the array's size. For example, the following definitions are all exactly the same size: char ch[3][2][1] = {0}; char ch[3][1][2] = {0}; char ch[1][3][2] = {0}; char ch[3][2] = {0};

The characteristic of a system board that allows you to replace it with a newer version is called?


What is the main difference between modelling and simulation?

A model is a representation (usually on a smaller scale) of some operating system or construct.It allows the user to predict how changes in that system would affect other parts of the system or operation. Simulation however,is the operation of the model of the system to evaluate the performance of the system.It allows you to optimize the system,to prevent failure and to adjust any parameters within the system being investigated.

Related questions

Which dimensioning system allows dimensions to be read from bottom and from the right?

aligned dimensions -Wesley Woodard, age 16

What is the definition for dual dimensions?

Dual dimensions in engineering is when both the English system's unit for the dimension and the metric system's unit for the dimension are shown together as two stacked dimensions.

What are the different dimensions of system?

information presented to the management is estimated to have its dimension in terms of cost, business and technical issues involved. various dimension of information system(MIS) are- 1) economic dimension. (a) cost of information, (b) value of information, 2) business dimension. 3) technical dimension.

Explain the difference between aligned and unidirectional dimensioning?

In aligned system you place the dimensions( or numerals) above the dimension lines so that they can be read from bottom or right edge of your sheet. In unidirectional system, all the numerals are placed along the dimension lines, all in the same direction such that they can be read from the bottom edge. This figure explains it clearly:

What is a unidirectional dimensioning?

In the unidirectional dimension system, all dimension figures and notes are lettered horizontally and are read from the bottom of the drawing. The unidirectional dimension system is preferred over the aligned system because it is easier to read and understand.

Where can Dell Dimension specs be bought?

Dell Dimension 'specs' cannot be bought. Specs or specifications are simply the dimensions, memory and operating system of a computer. Dell Dimension computers can be bought directly from the Dell site.

What are the system defined dimensions in sap bi?

Sap has 3 pre-defined dimensions which are, 1.Data Package Dimension---which will hold the request number 2.Time dimension------will hold values like 0calday, 0calmonth, 3.Unit Dimension-------will hold values for references like currency,units for quantity.

What are the systems of dimensions?

information presented to the management is estimated to have its dimension in terms of cost, business and technical issues involved. various dimension of information system(MIS) are- 1) economic dimension. (a) cost of information, (b) value of information, 2) business dimension. 3) technical dimension.

When can a dimension be read from the left?

If an undirectional system is used and all the dimensions are written to the left. -Wesley Woodard, age 16

What do you mean by 4D. What is the difference between 3D and 4D?

4D refers to a four-dimensional space-time, incorporating the three dimensions of physical space along with the dimension of time. In comparison, 3D refers to three dimensions of physical space without time. The addition of the time dimension in 4D allows for a more comprehensive understanding of movements and changes in a system.

What is dimension of enthalpy?

The dimension of enthalpy is energy per unit mass (J/kg) or energy per unit amount of substance (J/mol). It has the same dimensions as energy, which is measured in joules (J).

What is moral dimension of information system?

Five Moral Dimensions of Information system· „ Information rights and obligations· „ Property rights and obligations· „ Accountability and control· „ System quality· „ Quality of life i hope this will help-kayenna10