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Because then would be able to figure out at what point would the window and the roof be at? And stuff like that.

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Q: What do engineers use coordinate planes for?
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What jobs are coordinate planes used for?

Engineers uses the coordinate planes all the time. When you take higher engineering course you need to be extremely familiar and good at using coordinate planes in 3 dimensions. Architects use them to make designs and graphs of their model or building.

How do architects use coordinate planes?

architects use coordinate planes to graph where they want the rooms to be

Do economic analysts use coordinate planes?

Yes, almost all the time. And when it is not coordinate planes it is coordinate hype-spaces (more than just the 2 dimensions that the coordinate plane allows).

Is coordinate planes straight?

Yes, they are.

Why do you use parentheses on Coordinate Planes?

so that they don't get mixed up if they are put up in a line horizontally

Are coordinate planes man made?


Who discovered coordinate planes?

It was Rene Decartes

A graph that uses coordinate planes to display paired data?

a coordinate plane:)

What is te point where the axes of the coordinate plane intersect?

The axes of coordinate planes intersect at the point of origin.

What board game uses coordinate planes?

Very few board games use more than one plane. 3-dimensional noughts and crosses is one that uses 3 planes.

Do pilots use coordinates?

Yes. Pilots use coordinate grids to map out their destinations. Air travel managers also use grids to track planes coming in and out of the airport.

How are coordinate planes use in everyday life?

When you give someone directions like go three block up and 2 blocks across.