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Everybody is different, but I've found that the GOOD guys, use their eyes and their brains. When it comes to things like that, nothing is better than experience and good old know how. Of course things change with buildings, from one family houses to office buildings... It will depend on the complaint made by the structures owner. A structural engineer has many tools at his disposal including his "eye", his experience, a hydro level, a laser level, a transit and a plumb bob. He will ask many questions to him self and the owner of the structure, such as, "when did you first notice...?", "what issues are you having with ...?", "how is the structure moving?" and "why is the structure moving?". A structural engineers solutions will be as varied as his questions; Is piering the solution?, is drainage the problem?, is there a problem? or does a crack need repaired?

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Q: What does a structural engineer use to evaluate a foundation?
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