Kilo (symbol: k) is a prefix in the SI and other systems of units denoting 10e3 or 1,000 .It comes from the Greek ("khilioi"), meaning thousand.sometimes(usually in computer files)it is taken to be 1024.
A: Milli kilo represent a multiplier 900 mv is equivalent to 0.9 volts or 0.0009 kilo volts the value remain the same just the decimal move 3 places
Kilo means 1000. The prefix is used for measurements such as:weight -- kilogram = 1000 gramsdistance -- kilometer = 1000 metersenergy -- kilojoules = 1000 joulesYou can buy a kilo of meat, a kilo of apples.You can measure a person's weight, 80kilos.
The unit for measuring resistance is the Ohm, which usually uses the Greek letter Omega. In circuit diagrams, the Omega is often left out and the metric prefix is used instead (k for kilo-ohm, M for mega-ohm). The letter E is used to represent ohms (ex. 120E = 120 ohms, 1E2 = 1.2 ohms).
'k' is the standard SI prefix for kilo, meaning multiply by 10^3, or 1000. This is the same as km, meaning kilometer, as in 1000 meters. Your example is kilo Watt hours, as a measure of energy consumption.Another AnswerThe kilowatt hour (kW.h) is a non-SI unit used to measure energy consumption.
KV is the abbreviation for kilovolts. The prefix kilo means thousands, so 220 kv means 220 kilovolts, or 220,000 volts.
Kilo. It is used to represent multiplication by 1000 in the metric system, where 1 kilo is equal to 1000 units.
The prefix kilo- denotes a value of one thousand. It is often used in the metric system to represent a factor of 1000.
The prefix kilo- means 1000.
The prefix meaning x 1000 is "kilo-".
A kilometer is a unit of length, equal to 1000 meters. In general, the prefix "kilo" means "thousand".
Multiply by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.Multiply by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.Multiply by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.Multiply by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.
The prefix is 'kilo' and the abbreviation is 'km'.
the prefix in kilogram is kilo
Kilo means 1,000.
When dealing with units of measure, the prefix "kilo-" means "1,000".
Kilo has a greater value than milli. Kilo represents 1000 units, while milli represents 1/1000 of a unit.
Kilo = 103