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angular momentum = linear momentum (of object) x perpendicular distance (from origin to the object)

where x stands for cross product.

angular momentum = mv x r (perpendicular dist.)

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Q: What equations link angular and linear momentum If you exert a force on a free floating body it will have angular and linear momentum In what proportions and how are they linked?
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Two ways angular momentum and linear momentum are alike?

They both have momentum and their equations are similar.

Angular momentum is a measure of?

angular momentum is the measure of angular motion in a body.

What quanties are needed to calculate angular momentum?

To calculate angular momentum, you need the object's moment of inertia, its angular velocity, and the axis of rotation. The formula for angular momentum is given by L = I * ω, where L is the angular momentum, I is the moment of inertia, and ω is the angular velocity.

What is the relation between torque and angular momentum?

Torque is the rate of change of angular momentum. When a torque is applied to an object, it causes a change in the object's angular momentum. Conversely, an object with angular momentum will require a torque to change its rotational motion.

Which component of linear momentum does not contribute to angular momentum?

The linear momentum component that does not contribute to angular momentum is the component that is parallel to the axis of rotation. Only the perpendicular component of linear momentum contributes to angular momentum.

How do solve conservation of angular momentum?

To solve for conservation of angular momentum, set the initial angular momentum equal to the final angular momentum. This means that the total angular momentum before an event is equal to the total angular momentum after the event, assuming no external torques act on the system. This principle is commonly used in physics to analyze rotational motion.

How angular momentum of the earth remain constant?

As there is no external torque acting on it, its angular momentum remains constant. This is according to the law of conservation of angular momentum

Is the direction of angular velocity same as that of angular momentum when agular velocity is decreasing?

No, the direction of angular velocity and angular momentum are not always the same. Angular momentum is defined as the cross product of the position vector and linear momentum, so the direction of angular momentum depends on both the direction of linear momentum and the position vector. Therefore, when angular velocity is decreasing, the direction of angular momentum may change depending on the specific conditions of the system.

Do all rotating objects have angular momentum?

Rotating objects all have angular momentum.

What is dimension of angular momentum?

The dimension of angular momentum is kg m^2/s.

What is momentam?

The moment of linear momentum is called angular momentum. or The vector product of position vector and linear momentum is called angular momentum.

When the angular speed of an object increase its angular momentum may or may not increase?

if the angular speed of an object increase its angular momentum will also increase