if you have a calculator large enough, you can work the rest out yourself
to make a larger number out of 12345678 times 54321
answer: to the question is 671,706,216,858 billions
to make it like this you will need a calculator and a penice and paper
matirs calculator and a penice and paper
how to write a program that counts automorphic number from 1 to 999
find dictionary....or contact 999
Whomever gave this name to you was probably being sarcastic (as in, "You're no Einstein."). The other apparently related question "What is a coperbyte?" is also apparently bogus in nature. The largest value identified by the International System of Units (SI) is a "yottabyte", which is approximately the size of all the known Internet in bytes, and exceeds the far exceeds the number of bytes it would take to transcribe every word ever spoken in human history. There is no larger "official" size than that. As a matter of course, it is unlikely that an "Einsteinbyte" would ever be termed, because each magnitude of bytes beyond the first are all named with Greek prefixes; Einstein is a complete word by itself, not a word part defined as a prefix. It would have been more believable had they called it an "einbyte" or some such. There is a Wikipedia entry in regards to "Non-SI unit prefixes" that includes brontobyte, supposedly the size after yottabyte and before Geopbyte (the latter named at whatsabyte.com). It notes that those values are non-standardized in terms of magnitude, and are not recognized by any real community. For now, you should accept that 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 (or 1, 237, 940, 039, 285, 380, 274, 899, 124, 223 using binary notation's "yobibyte") is the largest value that has a name using today's standards. Adding 1 to the values above to advance to the next magnitude would result in an value that has no standard name.
Only 1 exists, and it is "999"
Oh, dude, 999 plus 999 is like totally 1998... just kidding, it's 1998. Like, you're basically adding two nines together to get 18, then slapping another nine on there for a grand total of 1998. Math, man, it's wild.
999 + 9999999999 + 9999999999 + 8888888 = 20,008,889,885
999 + 12,345 is 13,344.
999 + 36 = 1035
333 + 999 = 1332
999 + 781 = 1780
999 + 99 = 1098
999 999
999 trillion plus 99.9 billion is 999,099,900,000,000